
The Fedcap Group is Committed to Creating Opportunities and Improving the Lives of People with Barriers to Social and Economic Well-Being.

As the science of human health and well-being has grown, we’ve been able to grow along with it. Even more important, we’ve helped shape and define what economic well-being means in everyday lives. Our products, services, ideas now touch the lives of at least hundreds and thousands of people each year from coast to coast and throughout the world.

We credit our strength and endurance to a consistent approach to managing our business, and to the character of our people. We are guided in everything we do by our vision and strategic principles.

Our Guiding Philosophy

The overarching philosophy that guides our business is a deeply held set of values that have served as the strategic and moral compass for Fedcap Group leaders and employees. Above all, our values challenge us to put the needs and well-being of the people we serve first. It also speaks to the responsibilities we have to our employees, to the communities in which we live and work and the national community. We believe our vision and structure is a blueprint for long-term growth and sustainability that’s as relevant today as when it was written.

Our Strategic Principles

We are broadly based in human services. Our focus is on managing for the long term. We do this through a unique culture that values and fosters the development of our people.

We are committed to:

Our Growth Drivers

In today’s highly competitive global marketplace, it is essential that we focus on the critical drivers of our future growth: to create value through innovation, to extend our global impact with local focus, to execute with excellence in everything we do.