Work matters:
We all need a fair shot at getting ahead with a job that:
- Supports a household.
- Builds community ties and meaningful connections.
- Provides purpose, structure and self-esteem.
- Provides an opportunity for ongoing learning and growth.
For people with barriers, work:
- Changes how people see you.
- Builds hope for a different kind of future than previously imagined.
The campaign is dedicated to ensuring that the dignity of work is relevant in everyone’s life—independent of their circumstances. As cities across the globe transform lives and communities hit hardest by the pandemic, iWORK! is a clarion call for leaving no one behind in efforts to expand the workforce.
Please join the iWORK! conversation to:
- Demonstrate through your own experiences why work matters.
- Be part of a community of people that elevates the importance of work in people’s lives.
- Help others take the bold step towards training, education and/or employment.
- Stand up for equitable employment opportunities.
Join iWORK! on social media:
- Include a photo or video of you at work.
- Tell us why work matters to you.
- Tell us what you do on the job.
- Share your success story.
- Share the resources and people that can help.
- Use our hashtags!