When does it make sense to locate your electronic products manufacturing off site? When you have a partner that is trusted to produce life-saving devices for the U.S. Military.
With more than 60 years of experience in electronics assembly and manufacturing, Fedcap is your ideal contractor for your manufacturing needs. From start to finish, Fedcap can take on a wide variety of assembly and manufacturing projects.
We currently produce life-saving equipment for the United States Coast Guard and products for private and public entities including:
• Personal Distress Light Marker
These pocket-sized, all-purpose markers are carried by military personnel to alert others if they are shot down or separated from their units. Our Production Design Division has produced these since 1974, and currently assembles roughly 45,000 per year.
• “Man Overboard” Distress Light Marker
Part of the U.S. government’s Safety of Life At Sea program (SOLAS), these floating electric water lights flash for at least 36 hours to help in the event of a sea rescue. Our Production Design Division has produced these since 1996 and currently assembles roughly 5,000 per year.
Entrust your manufacturing and assembly projects to a proven team that delivers consistent, quality results. For more information contact Garnett Forrester at GForrester@fedcap.org.