Fedcap and its family of companies work hard to ensure that when designing a new program, that program is both replicable and scalable. The goal is that the work we do is transformative, both to the people who receive the services and the systems that deliver them. To ensure replicability and scalability, we have developed a built-in capacity to significantly expand—without placing undue burden on existing infrastructure, without having to “reinvent the wheel,” and with a clear sense of measurement for success. This aspect of our organizational culture has been a key to our growth and expansion over the past decade.
Transformative replicability and scalability occur rapidly and efficiently when there is an expectation of both within program design. As an agency, we expect to grow and expand our services. We believe what we do is worthy of expansion and that what we do makes a measurable difference in the lives of those we serve. When designing a program, we ask the following questions:
What factors do you consider when thinking about replicability and scalability? As always, I welcome your thoughts.