The coronavirus pandemic and the videotaped killings of black men threaten to harm the health of African Americans nationwide.
How Covid-19 Is Still Battering the Criminal Legal System
As the Covid-19 Crisis Ebbs in the U.S., Experts Brace for Some to Experience Psychological Fallout
More than 1 Million Children in the U.S. Have Had Covid-19
Restore Your Sense of Control – Despite the Pandemic
Community Colleges Can Be Engines of Economic Recovery
Why Some Young People Fear Social Isolation More than COVID-19
A Hazardous Moment for Black Health
People with Disabilities Fear Pandemic Will Worsen Medical Biases
The belief among people with disabilities that they will get lesser treatment is based on something even more concrete — their own harsh experiences in the medical system before the pandemic.
Coronavirus Leaves Foster Children with Nowhere to Go
The foster care system, built on frequent movements of children from one home to another and regular in-person supervision, has been especially wracked with confusion and dread by the coronavirus crisis.