The Fedcap Group’s 2021 Celebration of the Power of Possible Gala was a remarkable success. Impact Amplified, the theme of the Gala, was on bold display throughout the evening, as a series of stories and testimonials from across our global footprint celebrated the innovative work, partnerships and deep commitment to improving people’s lives that define our work.
Standing together to achieve the Power of Possible—it is the heart and soul of our work, and at the Gala, joined together in spirit and mission by video with our colleagues from around the globe, it resonated most deeply.
One by one, leaders from The Fedcap Group companies told stories of innovations and partnerships at the very cutting edge of service delivery. The settlement of immigrants and refugees in Maine, building networks of support for people in need in the Boston area, improving long-term economic prospects for people in Canada through innovative workforce training, the life-changing supports provided by Fedcap UK, and in Texas, filling a critical service gap by helping young people with autism transition to adulthood—these are just some of the testimonials spoken of at the Gala, and affirmed by the moving testimonials of those we serve.
Mark O’Donoghue, The Fedcap Group’s board chair, thanked the 118 board members of the 23 companies of The Fedcap Group for generously volunteering their time and talents to meet and exceed targets–whether it be in the number of people placed in jobs, children with disabilities advancing grades, young people going to college or adults completing their education.
Mark also recognized our caring and committed partners “The important work of The Fedcap Group is not possible without our partners,” he said. “This is one of the essential ways we amplify our impact, through smart, top-tier partnerships with over 10,000 business and community partners across our footprint.”
“Stand By Me,” a popular song derived from a classic spiritual, provided a rousing closing to the event, summing up perfectly one of the Gala’s central tenets—that we are better together.
Thanks to Cipriani 42nd Street in New York City for hosting this very special event. The 340+ people in the room, and hundreds more who joined us virtually, will not soon forget this inspiring affirmation of the impact of the work we do every day. Thanks also to our partners, donors, funders and friends worldwide who make our work possible. Standing together, we are stronger than ever. See you next year!