
The Fedcap Group’s educational offerings pave the way to career success and long term economic well-being.

The Fedcap Group is committed to education as a pathway to long term economic well-being. Beginning with newborns and continuing through adulthood, The Fedcap Group offers a comprehensive array of tailored programs for every step of a person’s educational journey.

Our early education programs ensure that children enter school ready to learn, inspiring them to dream big dreams for their future.

Our innovative transitional programs help young people with barriers to graduate from high school, enter post-secondary education and graduate.

Our technical training provides sector-based training in high growth industries and technology training to meet the demands of a 21st century workforce.

Our higher education services assist individuals in college to stay in school and graduate.

Major Components of Education

Services that are designed to identify and meet a child’s needs the areas of physical development, cognitive development, communication, social or emotional development, and adaptive development.

Provided to children and youth referred from local and out of state school districts who need specialized programming, individualized educational supports and an array of supportive services.

Our society renews itself when children graduate from high school. Graduating from high school opens doors to post-secondary education and to living wage careers. The direction in which education starts a person, will guide her well into the future. 

Technical Training is a pathway to high paying jobs and long term economic well-being.

“Higher education cannot be a luxury reserved just for a privileged few. It is an economic necessity for every family. And every family should be able to afford it.”

– Barack Obama