How We’re Fighting Age Discrimination in the New York City Workforce | Gotham Gazette

Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, Commissioner of the NYC Department of the Aging, advocates for the employment of older workers.

In a September 13, 2022 op-ed for Gotham Gazette, Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, Commissioner of the NYC Department of the Aging, advocates for the employment of older workers.  She notes that ageism is one of the least-discussed forms of discrimination and yet, the number of individuals over the age of 65 in the workforce has been steadily increasing for decades. 

“Studies have shown that businesses with a diverse workforce reach goals their competitors only talk about, including: retaining talent, because by ensuring all their employees feel a part of the team they are happier and more productive; innovating, because businesses with diverse staff reduce groupthink; reputation and profit growth, because when people see a diverse group working together, they like the company more and want to support it.”

ReServe, Inc., a company of The Fedcap Group, was mentioned as one of the organizations that has become part of the solution: 

DFTA also has the ReServe Program, which matches participants with part-time opportunities at New York City agencies, where their background in several sectors including law, marketing, health care, education, and finance, allows them to mentor their co-workers who benefit from their knowledge.”

Contact ReServe for more information on becoming a ReServist or working with them to fill skills and knowledge gaps in your organization or agency.