What's Next Matters

The average life span of companies has fallen from 67 years in the 1920s to just 15 years today.

At The Fedcap Group, after nearly 85 years strong, we know that one of the most important considerations in sustaining a business is to keep one basic tenet at the center of our thinking: What’s Next Matters.

We are driven by the quest to innovate, to question orthodoxies, and to approach our work with intense curiosity. We call upon leaders and thinkers from all walks and all disciplines to help us see things from new perspectives, to challenge our assumptions and to help spot the signals of the future. And we ask questions.

Innovation is the key idea that is shaping the future of any company, helping leaders conceive previously unimagined strategic options.

Take acquisitions, as an example. In 2010, The Bridgespan Group reported that healthy nonprofits should proactively consider M&A as a strategic tool to strengthen effectiveness, consolidate limited numbers of revenue sources, spread best practices, expand reach and make the best use of scarce resources. Further, research examining consolidation of revenue sources and cross-sector partnerships suggests that an effective merging of similar efforts can enhance funding sources, revenue and organizational reach, while ensuring that fewer people are left behind.

Fedcap paid attention and, as part of our 2010 Strategic Plan, we launched a growth strategy to include acquisitions. Ten years later, The Fedcap Group is a network of 15 top-tier nonprofits and we’re growing each year. We are fiscally stronger, have a significantly enhanced infrastructure, sophisticated technology and we are capable of operating large, complex contracts.

Continuous Learning is the Foundation to Understanding What’s Next

We know that when it comes to building strategy around a vision and inventing the future, the most effective leaders are those who are students of their profession and the environment in which they operate. Leaders who are effectively planning for the future are determined to keep learning as fast as the world is changing—every day.

The Fedcap Group’s CEO, Christine McMahon has said “Continuous Learning is the new productivity. Learning is how we will we stay one step ahead of the trends and the ideas about our work, and it is how we will be able to lead the way in creating impact that will change the lives and legacies of those we serve.”