Nonprofit Corporation with a Focus on Social Impact

Nonprofit Corporation with a Focus on Social Impact

Nonprofits are corporations that have a social impact.

All corporations, whether for profit or not, need to solve a problem and create value for others. This value might look like a product or service for potential customers, as seen in business or it might look like programs and services that benefit hungry children, put a person with a disability to work, help children in foster care go to college as seen in non-profit organizations. Both the for-profit investor or the nonprofit donor are looking for the same thing…impact.

In order to achieve the greatest impact, nonprofits must invest in their companies – just like a for profit business would. At The Fedcap Group we take this seriously. We invest in talent, technology, marketing, donors and we measure short and long term ROI.

Investment In Talent

The Fedcap Group invests in our staff, bringing the best and brightest talent possible onto our team. This means having a high quality company culture, benefits, and decent salaries. It means having a top rate onboarding process and an impressive professional development process. 4 years ago, The Fedcap Group launched a year-long Leadership Academy to develop agency leaders and to support long term succession planning. This investment has yielded leaders who are committed to doing business The Fedcap Group way.

Investment In Technology

The Fedcap Group invests in quality technology to facilitate our communications, analyze our financial and programmatic data and impact, and to raise funds and support necessary for our work. The Fedcap Group has invested significantly in the past decade to ensure that our technological infrastructure is state of the art. In 2013 we made an investment of over $1 million to upgrade our accounting and management information system to Oracle R12 and in 2016 we updated to Oracle Fusion Application. This enhancement increases efficiencies in monitoring and controlling revenue and expenses and provides a sophisticated reporting capability that enables program managers to review the detailed revenue and expense transactions relative to their respective program operations. In 2014 we invested in Salesforce—which drives our business development process. We continue to upgrade and enhance the user interface ensuring that we have an accurate and reliable pipeline with the ability to predict “win ratios”—thus enabling effective short and long-term planning. We have a state of the art HRIS system and use Raiser’s Edge to manage all donor and community engagement efforts. By investing in the right technology, we are positioning our company to maximize investors dollars and ultimately improve outcomes.

Investment In Marketing

The Fedcap group invests in marketing. We have a solid brand, we advertise, we have a significant and growing social media presence, a well-designed website, and a network with whom we share our many campaigns.

Investment In Our Donors

For both nonprofits and businesses, meeting customer expectations is critical to the survival of your organization. We must deliver on our promise. We work hard to set appropriate expectations and deliver above and beyond what your donors expect. We engage over 6000 donors across The Fedcap Group annually.

Focus on Both Short-term and Long-term ROI

As a nonprofit, we are in the business of disruption – but we understand that major social impact changes don’t happen overnight. We invest in innovation and we understand that risk is necessary for the innovation required to solve social problems. Quality innovation happens as a result of smart investments. The best performing organizations smartly evaluate short- and long-term opportunities to integrate, reapply, and scale. Measuring ROI is embedded in every program and innovation we undertake. In 2017 The Fedcap Group established the Innovation Garage, a virtual platform that promotes creative thinking and problem solving through diverse, energetic and forward thinking cross discipline teams.