Opioid Crisis Impact on Life Expectancy: What The Fedcap Group is Doing to Change This Story

On November 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data that reflects a declining
trend in life expectancy in the United States. According to the Washington Post, which reported the data
on November 29, the trend represents the longest sustained decline in expected lifespan at birth in a
century. The last decline was during the period of 1915 to 1918, the result of casualties of World War I
and the pandemic flu.

The two biggest factors contributing to the decline in life expectancy are drug overdoses and suicide.

As we know, the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions. We also know the healthcare industry
cannot yet keep up with the treatment needs of those suffering with substance use disorder. Advances
have been made around acute care via treatments such as Narcan, the proven antidote to
heroin/fentanyl overdose. But statistics prove that those rescued by Narcan continue their habit,
strangled by its addictive hold. The problem is far from solved.

Here at the Fedcap Group, we create strategies, systems, and structures to solve some of society’s
biggest problems. The opioid crisis is, of course, among these problems. Through Granite Pathways, our
groundbreaking company in New Hampshire, we are creating precise interventions that not only have a
proven impact on the lives of those in recovery, but we have also created a replicable model that
can—and will—work to help improve the lives—and life expectancy—of those with substance use
disorder throughout the nation—and the world.

We just opened a residential treatment center for youth and young adults in Manchester New
Hampshire. This center—the first of its kind in the state—will provide an array of clinical, educational
and work readiness services to help stabilize program participants who will then transition to longer
term recovery supports.

At Safe Harbor, Granite Pathway’s recovery center located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, our
approach is not a “one and done” solution to a moment of crisis. Our approach is a long-term, holistic
approach to not only help an individual recover from substance use disorder, but also to rebuild his or
her life through building long-term life skills, job readiness, and most importantly connection to those
who understand and see them without judgment and without a timeline.

Our recovery coaches work alongside those just leaving treatment. Coaches are peers who have both
the experience and the resources to best relate to those in crisis. They’ve been through what the
sufferer has been through, and they have successfully recovered. And their work is making a huge
difference in the long-term recovery of those we serve.

At The Fedcap Group we are committed to finding solutions and to increasing the life expectancy data