The Fedcap Group is committed to high quality education for people of all abilities, learning styles and individualized needs. We operate fully accredited private schools to ensure that children/youth who have not been successful in the traditional classroom environment, have a place to succeed academically. We provide a safe, aspirational, and educationally rich school environment.
The Fedcap School is an accredited private school in West Orange, New Jersey, dedicated to helping students ages 13-21 classified with cognitive, multiple, or behavioral disabilities succeed and thrive into adulthood.
The Kessler Center, a program of Easterseals New York, is located in Rochester, New York. The Kessler Center offers both residential and day placements for students with developmental disabilities. The Center is open to students throughout New York State who are in need of a highly individualized special education program and has broad expertise working with students across the entire range of developmental disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorders, as well as with children who struggle with behavioral challenges. For more information contact Dawn Moscicki:
Our certified staff are skilled professionals who provide a nurturing, stimulating environment that advances students’ educational, social and emotional growth.
Our therapeutic environment helps students develop greater self-awareness of their assets and encourages students to set goals and work to achieve them. Our students are engaged in their own educational and behavioral planning within a team where every person has voice – student, family, caregivers and staff.
Our programming includes: