Standing Up For What We Believe

“Doing the right thing is not always easy, and it is not always popular, but isn’t it enough that it is right?”  — Senora Roy

As a leader, I am ethically and morally bound to stand up for what I believe.

  • I believe in the Power of Possible and that with the right kinds of support, people can achieve things they never imagined.
  • I believe in standing up for those whose voices have been silenced, who feel invisible.
  • I believe in the promise of second chances.
  • I believe in being a champion for equity.
  • I believe in our mission to eliminate barriers to economic well-being.

We are a values-driven organization and together, we are intentional about articulating our stand for supporting those who deserve a second chances. As we partner with agencies, foundations, businesses, and government entities, we work hard to reflect the values for which we stand. We are committed to changing the conversation, influencing the culture and eliminating the stigma that suggests that those who have fallen cannot get up again.

We, as a large and far-reaching organization, are living proof that second chances are worthwhile and productive on BOTH an individual and an organizational level.

Every day, each of the 4,000+ employees working in companies across the nation who comprise The Fedcap Group, renew our commitment to making a difference—in as many ways as possible—for those we serve.  This commitment is not comprised simply of noble-sounding words. This commitment is embedded in thousands of everyday actions. It is reflected in putting over 13,000 people to work so far this year, in helping hundreds of thousands of impoverished individuals obtain Supplemental Nutritional Assistance so that they can eat, and in helping over 6,000 children with disabilities learn and play alongside their non-disabled peers. It is reflected when a ReServist works with a foster family, helping them learn how to inspire young people in foster care to go to college; and in the pride of the staff of our Total Facilities Management company—cleaning buildings from Ellis Island to the Statue of Liberty.

This is how we maintain our credibility and integrity as an organization. This is how we change lives—one person and one system at a time.

Yes, there are times when standing up for what we believe sometimes comes at a price.  To me, it is worth it. Every time.

I look forward to your thoughts.