Commitment During Crisis

Commitment During Crisis

Dedicated staff of The Fedcap Group are taking extraordinary steps to continue to assist those we serve as the nation struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic. In the face of increasing hardship and a dearth of resources and support, our people are stepping up.

Easterseals New York’s Project Discovery is an integrated educational program for preschoolers that includes special education services, as well as an Outreach Program, providing food, clothing, housewares and toys to the neediest residents of Port Jervis. Over 165,000 pounds of food are distributed annually to children and families in need.

Each morning bread, produce and other items are displayed on a table in the parking lot for residents to pick up as needed, to supplement the food distributed at monthly outreach events.

“Recently, instead of receiving over 1,200 pounds of bread a month, we are getting five loaves. It’s getting quite serious here,” said Barbara Kuczyra, Outreach Coordinator and School Nurse for Project Discovery.

Our Total Facilities Management teams are out in full force working 24/7 to clean and sanitize facilities throughout New York, Boston, Virginia and Delaware.  “The demand is significant and we are hiring new staff to meet the needs, all the while ensuring the safety of our dedicated staff,” says Steve Coons, President of Fedcap Rehabilitation.

In addition, our residential care workers and home health aides are providing direct care to some of society’s most vulnerable.

The Fedcap Group’s Food Arts Center is working 24/7 to address food insecurity among people impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Partnering with Migrant Kitchen,  the Food Arts Center is producing over 1000 meals per day, providing free meals to healthcare workers and their families, including frontline workers at the Covid-19 treatment units at Bellevue Hospital Center, Lenox Hill Hospital, and Memorial Sloan Kettering.

In addition, the Food Arts Center has been hosting Feed the People, which is producing and delivering emergency meals to families and individuals who are housebound or have food security issues. 

The Fedcap School in Orange, New Jersey closed on March 18th as part of a statewide effort to contain the coronavirus. Social Workers, Counselors and Job Coaches are making wellness check-in daily calls and are available to any student in need. Staff are delivering breakfast and lunches to the entire student population.

The mood around the Fedcap School Staff is “unified and strong,” said Principal Luanne Macri. “We are teachers. We care about our students, and our population depends on us for far more than educational achievement. This is uncharted territory for everyone, but we are in this together, and we will be there for our students.”

Easterseals New York is on the front line providing child care services to our first responders and health care providers.   

“I am so proud that our Easterseals staff are stepping up and ensuring the availability of child care during this time of crisis”, said Don Harreld, Executive Director of Easterseals New York.


Our Fedcap Inc. team is working around the clock to stand-up a new service delivery system in
Canada (, some staff getting stranded there for weeks at a time.  

Crisis and Leadership

Crisis and Leadership

“The words hope for the best and plan for the worst have never resonated with me so much as we have worked to navigate our international company through the ever-changing realities of COVID-19.”

Like many of you, I have been reading nonstop about COVID-19 specifically and about pandemics in general–trying to glean any wisdom I can from experts in the field and from historical events. I was struck by the comments of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who said “When you combine a pandemic with uncertainty, you get a powerful formula for fear and even panic. And that is why those in leadership positions need to step to the forefront and be a positive presence for those they lead.” We all know that when adversity strikes, people are looking for direction and guidance, and that’s why leaders must exert their influence to shape the best way forward.

During this time, I have found myself reflecting on the quote by James Lane Allen, a 19th century novelist, “Adversity does not build character—it reveals it.” The way a leader behaves and acts during a crisis will uncover their ability to lead-period. It will uncover their willingness to take prudent and yet decisive action during a time when there is no manual. It will uncover their ability to calm the waters when others around them are panicking. It will demonstrate their ability to learn and rapidly course correct as circumstances indicate. It will show to others their innate character. Adversity shines a light on talent. Individuals in the organization who may have gone unnoticed suddenly find themselves in the spotlight with an opportunity to apply their skills to emerging problems. They rise to the occasion.

In a 2017 article in Forbes Magazine I found a set of recommendations for leadership in crisis that stuck with me and I have relied on over the past month:

Don’t Allow Your Emotions To Get The Best Of You
In times of crisis, leaders invariably find themselves in the midst of a stressful and tense atmosphere. Now is the time to take charge of your thoughts, emotions and the way you deal with problems. Anything else can be interpreted by employees as a loss of control.

Remain Positive To Remain Productive
Positivity is the fuel for productivity. When the chips are down, you can choose to either get caught up in all the negativity surrounding you, or you can choose to do something positive about it. There’s always a choice.

Manage Expectations
When crisis strikes, people want to get over it as quickly as possible. As a leader, this is the time to face the situation and learn the magnitude of the problem. Let your staff know it might be a while until the storm passes and prepare them for the long and hard battle ahead.

Exercise Your Fearlessness
Fear is contagious and so is courage. If your demeanor reeks of fear, your employees will feel a greater sense of fear. You cannot afford to project yourself as someone who is not sure of the ability to lead or is short on confidence. Demonstrate the kind of courage that makes people want to follow you.

Never Waste A Good Crisis
Churchill’s quote is imminent. In the world of business, we are often guilty of not challenging the norm; we are instead satisfied with following procedure and tradition. It takes insight and not a little courage to question your leaders as to why are things done the way that they are? However, in times of crisis there seems to be more latitude to do so – management in fact is actively seeking input it seems. Leading companies nowadays recognize this and cultivate a more open, questioning climate within the office at all times because a degree of continual review is healthy within a business.