Fedcap Canada Selected by Ontario Government as a Qualified Applicant for Next Phase of Employment Services Transformation

Fedcap Canada Selected by Ontario Government as a Qualified Applicant for Next Phase of Employment Services Transformation

September 13, 2021

I am so pleased to announce that Fedcap Canada has been selected by the government of Ontario to be among the qualified applicants for the next phase of its Employment Services Transformation (EST). This next phase covers four new catchment areas: York, Stratford-Bruce Peninsula, Halton and Kingston Pembroke.

We will build upon the success of our current operation in the Hamilton-Niagara region where we are fortunate to be collaborating with a service provider network that embraces change, demonstrates a high level of commitment to jobseekers across the catchment area and ultimately delivers excellent outcomes. Our talented staff at Fedcap Canada and our service provider network have a shared commitment to excellence, exceptional local knowledge, and a passion for driving best practices and innovation in employment services.

Together we are transforming the delivery of employment services in Hamilton-Niagara to support more families, students and workers whose lives have been upended by the pandemic and left without work and with limited job opportunities. A healthy network drives our success.

I am proud that we are among like-minded public, private and voluntary organizations—embracing change and working together to deliver better results for the people of Ontario. 

Grant Collins
Senior Vice President, Workforce Development
The Fedcap Group

CBS Miami Spotlights ReServe: Harnessing the Power of Adults 50 & Older

CBS Miami Spotlights ReServe: Harnessing the Power of Adults 50 & Older

CBS Miami recently aired a spot on ReServe, and ReServist Asunción Marin on their news segment: Miami Proud. Click here to view the clip. 

Prior to becoming a ReServist, Ms. Marin has been a marketer, manager, wife, mother, and grandmother. She juggled it all successfully, but after selling her last business, a sandwich shop franchise, she wondered what to do next.   

“The one thing is constant is knowing that I wasn’t staying home! I don’t care what age I am as long as I have the energy and the impetus to be able to continue, I want to stay busy,” she said.   

ReServe Executive Director Ed Bolognini gave viewers an overview of ReServe’s history and mission. “Women and men who are over 50 face all sorts of passive and overt age discrimination – folks don’t even get a response to an application for work,” he said. “ReServe pairs ready to work adults with nonprofits and government agency partners who need help, with part-time positions in varying roles.”   

For Ms. Marin, Reserve has proved to be a perfect fit. She works 20 hours a week as a ReServist, keeping her skills sharp, and learns new ones. “I had never written grants and I became quite proficient in writing grants. It keeps your mind busy and keeps her engaged. I stay busy and have time for my family.  If I can continue to help and give back, that’s a wonderful way to be.”

The Women’s Project

The Women’s Project

The Women’s Project (TWP) is a community whose collective work serves as an alternative to pre-trial detention and incarceration. Born out of conversations seeking ways to permanently decrease the number of women detained in city jails and state prisons, it is part of a larger partnership between Wildcat/The Fedcap Group, public defenders, and district attorney offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. A community of shared experience and expertise, TWP aims to create a space that “stops the noise that often prevents women from finding their individual power, the power that will help them live the lives they want and make their dreams real, no matter what challenges await,” said Valentina Morales, Senior Director of Justice Initiatives and Director of TWP. Women are generally referred to TWP while they are detained. Working together with staff, community members focus on overall wellness, accessing services and resources related to health, healing and recovery, as well as furthering economic stability and building strong community support. A core tenet of TWP is building positive communications among community members, who learn together and grow together. “Each of us anchors our steps toward sustained growth in strong community. Arrest and detention bring a cadre of consequences that make daily life increasingly difficult and can complicate our ability to fully participate in our defense and the process. It makes a real difference to have a community of support. Women who join our community make a commitment to take the best care of themselves so we, in turn, can take care of one another,” Valentina said. Caring for oneself in the TWP community includes individual work that supports personal growth, collective educational and therapeutic work in groups, as well as a range of community-building activities. All TWP self-care workshops are structured around the 8 interrelated dimensions of wellness. To that end, the monthly TWP calendar is a busy one that features group work every day of the week. The monthly calendar consists of educational workshops on wellness practices related to physical, emotional and spiritual health; weekly CBT groups, adapted for cultural relevance; processing through art, writing and poetry; mindfulness; somatic interventions for addressing trauma’s impact on the body; healthy eating; exercise breaks; and, more. There is a popular book club hosted by the New York Public Library, where women across the community, including incarcerated women, explore the writings women- identifying authors. There is also a self-advocacy series which focuses on developing effective advocacy skills and learning the rules of the specific systems which often impact community members. Additional community-building events such as open mics, collective community service projects, community vision-boarding, value quilting and civic engagement discussions, round out the monthly schedule. The TWP community puts out a monthly newsletter to keep all members of the community connected. It has been described as a lifeline by incarcerated community members and often includes poetry, member profiles, workshop recaps, and recognition of important events such as Women’s History Month. The community also publishes a quarterly zine, The Sassy Source, featuring artwork and creative writing by community members. “For many of our community members, assumptions have been made about what they can and cannot do. They are not necessarily asked to contribute their knowledge, wisdom and talents to communal space,” Valentina said. “At The Women’s Project, we don’t wait to be asked or included. We are creating these things for ourselves, and, in so doing, creating an opportunity for women to find, articulate and grow those things they love about themselves. In our space, the individual power, wisdom and beauty of our members shine through.” An ongoing focus of the TWP community is the exploration of individual visions and goals, and defining a collective vision. Together, TWP members have created community guidelines and agreements, as well as a community values quilt and community vision board. Staff are part of the TWP community. There are quarterly meetings led by participants, and constant feedback to ensure that all members can contribute to the collective voice of the community. Throughout the pandemic, TWP meetings have migrated to Zoom, and have proven to be highly successful; members are meeting more frequently than before the pandemic. All women are provided with cell phones. The meetings have had significant participation, but in such a close- knit, connected community, they are no substitute for meeting in-person. “It has not been easy, and the longer it goes on the harder it is,” Valentina said. Crucially, TWP’s staff understand and appreciate how trauma manifests in the lives of women. Staff members engage in consistent training and reflection, analyzing their own positionality to best support women in the community. Staff bring themselves to the work but are careful not to get in the way. This assists in being responsive to women’s individual needs, and carving the space for community members to individually define success. “We are women of purpose who believe in the power of possible. Our members are phenomenal women who are very rarely described that way. Too often, they are defined by negative elements of their experiences or compromising choices they may have made. The Women’s Project provides a space where we can focus on individual growth and celebrate incredible resilience. It is one where gifts and talents can thrive.”

Granite Pathways’ Strength to Succeed Program Named Recovery Provider of The Year 2021 By the NH Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association

Granite Pathways’ Strength to Succeed Program Named Recovery Provider of The Year 2021 By the NH Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association

Staff (left to right): Kristy Southers, Michelle Wells, Anna Battle, Lucia/dog, Lisa Bee, Lori Hebert, Amanda Durand, Amanda Letendre, Rick Thornton, Brian Lemire & Faithanne Blue. Additional staff: Elaine Hauserman, Melissa Kimball, and Crystal LaFortune.

Lori Hebert, Strength to Succeed Program Director, accepted the Recovery Provider of the Year Award from the NH Alcohol and Other Drug Service Providers Association. Read her speech on the Granite Pathways website.

An Evening Celebration of Women – Through Shared Experience they Build Community

An Evening Celebration of Women – Through Shared Experience they Build Community

Building Bridges to Community, this year’s annual Wildcat event, supported The Women’s Project, an extraordinary community of shared experience whose collective work serves as an alternative to pre-trial detention and incarceration. Born out of conversations seeking ways to permanently decrease the number of women detained in city jails and state prisons, The Women’s Project is part of a larger partnership between Wildcat/The Fedcap Group, public defenders, and district attorney offices in Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx.

“I am so happy you are here tonight to celebrate our joy and achievements,” said Valentina Morales, Senior Director of Justice Initiatives at Fedcap and Director of The Women’s Project. “Arrest and detention bring a cadre of consequences that make daily life increasingly difficult and can complicate our ability to fully participate in our defense and the process. It makes a real difference to have a community of support. Women who join our community make a commitment to take the best care of themselves so we, in turn, can take care of one another,”

“We seek to shift systems, create opportunities, for individuals and communities that have been impacted by the criminal legal system,” said Gene Waddy, Wildcat Board Chair. “We believe in the power of work and also the power of opportunity, not only to work but to heal, to grow, and to define and pursue individually-defined success.”

The heart of the event was the voices of the women who are part of this extraordinary community. Here are some of the comments offered by these phenomenal women of purpose, who believe deeply in the Power of Possible—

“I would describe The Women’s Project community as my sisters. We build relationships through supporting each other, and that is the best thing ever.”

“We are accountable to ourselves and our community. We come together and learn from each other, and share our collective wisdom.”

“I bring that smile, that kind-heartedness, and a little joy into people’s lives.”

“The Advocacy Group at Women’s Project taught me how to link to services, but the best thing it has given me is a voice to speak for myself.”

“Women here are always writing poetry and making art. You can be creative. We’re not being held back.”

“My favorite part of The Women’s Project is the communication, and the respect level. When you have nowhere to turn, you can come here for help and support.”

“It feels good to be back in the world. I promised to take myself as far as I can go, and with The Women’s Project, its happening. ”

View our Building Bridges to Community video >>

Remembering Herb Sturz – Our Colleague, Friend and Champion

Remembering Herb Sturz – Our Colleague, Friend and Champion

It is with great sorrow that we mark the passing of Herb Sturz, a legendary social entrepreneur, towering figure in criminal justice reform, and great friend and supporter of The Fedcap Group. Herb had a genius for bringing people together and getting things done. He was a trailblazer with a passion for justice whose life work and impact are felt worldwide. He leaves an indelible legacy that will inspire future generations.

“Herb was a beloved friend, and I am deeply saddened by his passing,” said Christine McMahon, President and CEO of The Fedcap Group. “He had the ability to take complex issues and simplify them to a few points, to create an environment in which everyone could get on board. Despite his towering achievements over nearly 50 years, Herb was always humble, and never sought power—only results. His passing is a great loss to all who believe in justice.”

Herb’s life was dedicated to fighting for the vulnerable and disadvantaged He had an unshakable belief that people deserve a second chance, regardless of their past mistakes. His accomplishments are legion. Herb was the founder or co-founder of Wildcat, ReServe, TASC, the Center for Court Innovation, Project Renewal, Vera Institute of Justice, Neighborhood Improvement Project and numerous other organizations. He served as New York City Deputy Mayor for Criminal Justice and Chairman of the New York City Planning Commission, Herb was a member of the editorial board of The New York Times and, he spearheaded a decades-long effort to close the jails on Rikers Island.

Herb’s impact on The Fedcap Group cannot be overstated. In 1972 he founded Wildcat, the nation’s first organization to design and implement a transitional work program for unemployed persons with conviction histories. He was the force behind Wildcat becoming part of The Fedcap Group. In 2005 he co-founded ReServe, to place experienced workers over 55 years of age with government and social services agencies to help fill critical staffing gaps. “ReServists” have provided many millions of hours of service, creating huge impact in poverty fighting, education, health care and capacity building. In 2013, ReServe joined The Fedcap Group and continues to grow and expand its impact. In 2007, Herb and partners, with generous help from the Atlantic Philanthropies, turned Single Stop—a national organization committed to building pathways out of poverty build pathways out of poverty for people with barriers to economic well-being—into a separate nonprofit agency. To date, Single Stop has helped 1.9 million households recover $6 billion in benefits. In 2017 Single Stop became part of The Fedcap Group and its technology continues to help thousands find the critical government supports they need. View The Fedcap Group’s tribute to Herb Sturz. 

Read our tribute to Herb Sturz.

A child of immigrants who came through Ellis Island, Herb’s career began in the 1950s, when he wrote a 10-part series on the Bill of Rights for Boys’ Life magazine. The feature led to a meeting with Louis Schweitzer, an activist millionaire. Together they formed the Bail Reform Project, which spared many low-level offenders from long prison stays and served as a national model. The two men founded The Vera Institute of Justice in 1961. The agency undertook groundbreaking work in criminal justice reform that continues today and generated close to 60 other projects related to criminal justice, community courts, prison reform, addiction, homelessness and job training.

In 1967 Herb founded Project Renewal, which provides an array of integrated programs and services to the most vulnerable New Yorkers. He founded Wildcat Service Corporation in 1972, the nation’s first organization to implement a transitional work program for unemployed persons with criminal convictions.

1975 was a busy year for Herb. He founded Safe Horizon, the nation’s largest nonprofit victim assistance agency that touches the lives of more than 250,000 children, adults, and families affected by crime and abuse in NYC. He entered government as Deputy Mayor for Criminal Justice, and later, City Planning Commission Chair under Mayor Ed Koch. As Chair, Herb developed a number of neighborhood-planning initiatives, including an Arson Strike Force, which sought to combat the epidemic of fires ravaging tenements in low-income neighborhoods. 

In 1998, Herb founded The After-School Corporation (today called Expanded Schools), creating the nation’s first citywide system of quality K-12 after-school programs. At Herb’s urging, George Soros, the billionaire investor and founder of the Open Society Institute (where Herb was a trustee), made a five-year challenge grant of $125 million. The investment paid off, with matching public and private funding of over $375 million supporting 250 programs that serve over 40,000 children.

In 1999, Herb helped create the Afterschool Alliance, an advocacy group that raises awarenessabout the importance of making quality, affordable programs available to all children. The Alliance currently includes 163 mayors, 106 police chiefs, and 63 prosecutors, along with many social service agencies and major corporations. He helped put together Afterschool Congressional Caucuses in both the US Senate and the House of Representatives.

Mayor Ed Koch took office in 1978 promising to end “inhumane conditions” at NYC jails. He set about making good on his promise by naming Herb Sturz, Deputy Mayor for Criminal Justice, a title later changed to Coordinator of Criminal Justice. In 1979 Mayor Koch and NY State Governor Hugh Carey announced a plan for the city to lease Rikers Island to the state for 99 years for $200 million to be used to build five new jails in the boroughs and rehabilitate Rikers. Under the plan, Rikers would house only those convicted of serious crimes, not those awaiting trial or sentencing. The deal was negotiated by Herb Sturz and Robert Morgado, the Governor’s secretary.

During two days of hearings about the plan in October 1979, Herb described the numerous Rikers Island riots and court battles, and “an alarming number of suicides.” He said there were “two basic things wrong: it is in the wrong place and would need $100 million in repairs to make it safe”. He said the lease deal would allow the city to rid itself of Rikers Island and “make a fresh start to build the best system in the nation.”

Herb’s long fight to shutter Rikers Island was realized in 2019, when the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform voted to close the jails on Rikers Island. “Herb was a dear friend and colleague,” said Michael Weinstein, Executive Director of Impact Matters, ReServe Board Chair and Single Stop board member. “He was someone who had great ideas and got things done, and always looked to the future. He was very in involved in closing down Rikers and turning it into something much better. It’s sad he won’t see it happen, but it will happen.”

It is hard to imagine New York City without the impact of Herb Sturz. Herb was much more than a visionary social reformer. He was a great listener, a warm, compassionate man who was a friend and mentor to so many. He never dismissed or made assumptions about people who held opposing views, and never lost sight of his goals. His quiet powers of persuasion helped to make the world a better place.

Herb will be deeply missed, but his legacy will live on.

Seacoast Pathways Provides Empowerment Through Non-Clinical Mental Health Recovery

Seacoast Pathways Provides Empowerment Through Non-Clinical Mental Health Recovery

Seacoast Pathways volunteer Joe Hill writes for Portsmouth Patch on the Clubhouse model for recovery groups, and how it is a key to recovery for its members. Seacoast Pathways offers any adult with a referred mental illness free membership to its clubhouse. For further info email seacoastpathways@gmail.com or call 603-812-9031.

Read the full article on Portsmouth Patch.

To learn more about Seacoast Pathways in New Hampshire, visit their website: Seacoast Pathways.

Fedcap Employment Awarded £233 Million (US $330 Million) to Deliver UK Government’s Back to Work Scheme

Fedcap Employment Awarded £233 Million (US $330 Million) to Deliver UK Government’s Back to Work Scheme

--Will Leverage Employment Services Expertise to Assist 132,100 People Return to the Workforce--

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, June 4, 2021 – Fedcap Employment UK, a subsidiary of The Fedcap Group, has been chosen by the Department for Work and Pensions to deliver the Restart Scheme in the South Central area of England – covering Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Surrey, West Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. We have also been awarded a subcontract for the North West area of England including Lancashire and Cheshire East. Fedcap Employment was the only non-profit to be awarded these contracts, which have a 4.5-year term.

Announced last year under the Commercial Agreement for the Provision of Employment and Health Related Services (CAEHRS) framework, the service provides support for people who have been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have been unemployed between 12-18 months.

Fedcap will offer an individualized mix of face to face and virtual support to assist 132,100 individuals develop their employment skills, obtain training in high growth sectors and secure employment.

Christine McMahon, President and CEO of The Fedcap Group said, “The Fedcap Group believes in the importance of work, seeking to create opportunities for individuals to achieve economic wellbeing. We are pleased to have this opportunity to leverage the skills and experience we have developed over our 86-year history to assist governments as they rebuild and transform their economies and the lives of citizens impacted by the pandemic. We are honored that the UK Department for Work and Pensions has chosen us as a partner, and we will work diligently to meet and exceed expectations.”

Grant Collins, President, Workforce Development for The Fedcap Group noted, “The Fedcap Group is one of the highest performing employment support providers, helping 250,000 people annually advance–through education, jobs, career training and coaching. We are committed to assisting individuals achieve societal inclusion and economic wellbeing and look forward to working on this innovative scheme to support those whose livelihoods were lost or impacted due to the pandemic.”

About Fedcap Employment UK
Fedcap Employment delivers services across England and Scotland helping people find suitable and sustainable work. The organization delivers an array of employment schemes including the Intensive Personalized Employment Support and Links to Work. Fedcap Scotland is the majority owner of StartScotland, which delivers Fair Start Scotland.

About The Fedcap Group
For 86 years, The Fedcap Group has developed innovative and scalable solutions to some of society’s most pressing problems. Serving over 250,000 people each year in the US, the UK and Canada, The Fedcap Group provides education and training, workforce and economic development and necessary supports—all targeted to helping people achieve economic wellbeing.

For more information, please contact Rose Anello at 646.830.9008 or RAnello@fedcap.org.

CoWorx Staffing Services Donates $10,000 to Fedcap Inc.

CoWorx Staffing Services Donates $10,000 to Fedcap Inc.


Tim Harnett, CEO of CoWorx, and Serena M. Powell, Executive Director of Fedcap Inc., Maine.

Fedcap Inc. has received a $10,000 donation from CoWorx Staffing Services.

Fedcap Inc’s recruitment, preparation and placement of participants from their Southern and Central Maine Opportunity Centers led to well-paying jobs for parents who are out of work. Our partnership with CoWorx Staffing Services made this happen. And, the company’s $10,000 gift will help families with emergency or unforeseen situations, ensuring that they don’t miss work.

For more, read the article in the Biddleford-Saco-Oob Courier.