Fedcap CEO Christine McMahon Appointed to US Secretary of Labor Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities.

Fedcap CEO Christine McMahon Appointed to US Secretary of Labor Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities.

New York City – Christine McMahon, Chief Executive Officer of Fedcap Rehabilitative Services, Inc. a New York City nonprofit agency, was recently appointed to serve on the United States Secretary of Labor’s  Advisory Committee on Increasing Competitive Integrated Employment for Individuals with Disabilities.

The purpose of the committee is to advise the Secretary on ways to increase competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with significant disabilities. The committee is a key provision of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Signed into law by President Obama in July 2014, the WIOA helps job seekers, including those with disabilities, access services to succeed in employment and matches employers with skilled workers.

The committee consists of federal officials and 17 representatives from various national constituencies that serve people with disabilities. It meets at least eight times over a two-year period, and is responsible for submitting a series of recommendations to the Secretary of Labor, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. 

According to Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, “Employing people with disabilities is a win-win for workers, employers and the entire community. This is sound public policy, and the advisory committee will help us expand opportunities for more people with disabilities.”In a career that spans over 30 years, Ms. McMahon has brought an amazing level of innovation, energy and impact to increasing integrated, competitive employment opportunities for youth and adults with significant disabilities.

As Chief Operating Officer of Easter Seals New Hampshire, Ms. McMahon founded the Autism Support Network and  implemented a network of community-based services and a continuum of care system that includes a special education school, an employment model, and a family advocacy initiative, all established under her leadership.

In 2009, Ms. McMahon became Chief Executive Officer of Fedcap.  Established in 1935, Fedcap is a pioneer in employment with a mission is to create opportunities for people with barriers to move toward economic independence as valued and contributing members of society.

Currently, Ms. McMahon is spearheading national efforts to increase competitive, integrated employment opportunities for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.  Fedcap is working in closepartnership with the Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) as they lead the country in closing sheltered workshops and creating community based employment opportunities.  Fedcap was awarded the contract to establish a Center for Excellence and Advocacy (CEA) in Providence, Rhode Island, to help implement this change.   

A front-page article in the October 5th edition of the Sunday New York Times told the story about the marriage of two  participants in a former sheltered workshop in Rhode Island, who have moved on to community-based jobs and independent, self-sufficient lives.  The article stated: “…. in the eyes of the federal government, sheltered workshops can no longer be default employment services for people with disabilities.  We are entering a new era of service…”

For media inquiries please call 212.727.4236 or email at dbiederman@fedcap.org

Solution Series: Minimum Wage Increase: Costs, Benefits and Complexities

Solution Series: Minimum Wage Increase: Costs, Benefits and Complexities

On Thursday October 23rd, over 150 people representing businesses, foundations, nonprofits and government, participated in person and via streaming in Fedcap’s 8th Solution Series. The topic was “The Minimum Wage Increase: Costs, Benefits and Complexities.”

A distinguished panel of experts convened at the Mutual of America building in New York City to explore a topic that has inspired vigorous debate since the first federal minimum wage was instituted in the 1930’s. Proponents and opponents of raising the minimum wage disagree about fundamental questions such as how it will affect employment and job creation; the impact on poverty; the impact on disadvantaged workers, and whether it will hurt or help small businesses.

“The social and economic implications of raising the minimum wage make it a very complex issue,” said Fedcap CEO Christine McMahon, who opened the event. “We have convened this Solutions Series to ask the right questions and to explore this important issue from multiple perspectives.”

The panel offered thought-provoking insights and ideas about the minimum wage. Michael Weinstein, an M.I.T-trained economist and Chief Program Officer for the Robin Hood Foundation, said that economists have studied the minimum wage in detail and produced a vast body of research. While there is disagreement about whether a higher minimum wage is good policy, there is broad consensus that its macroeconomic impact is modest.

“Economists talk about the minimum wage as small change, small impact,” he said. ‘Some jobs will be lost and some families will be raised out of poverty, but across the economy it has a pretty small impact.”

Mr. Weinstein said that the Earned Income Tax Credit, which provides tax rebates to workers who file tax returns, is considered by many to be a more effective tool for lifting families out of poverty than raising the minimum wage.

Beth Moss, Director of Human Resources for the North American operations of ISS, a global provider of facility maintenance services, said that all publicly traded companies are focused on employee compensation. Companies always have to consider market factors when establishing wage levels, and in low-margin businesses like facilities maintenance there is pressure on the level of compensation that ISS can pay for employees who provide those services. A challenge for the industry is to educate customers about the value of facility maintenance in creating a healthy work environment and preserving physical assets. When customers perceive the impact of the service on the bottom line, compensation will rise.

“As the perceived value of our services improves we are highly optimistic that we will have fewer federal minimum wage workers,” Ms. Moss told the audience.

Joanne Pokaski, Director of Workforce Development at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center in Boston, said that Beth Israel consistently pays its entry level workers above the minimum wage. The hospital has also implemented measures to help its employees climb the wage ladder. It provides career and academic counseling, free on-site pre-college courses and college-level science courses, as well as a proactive approach to train and promote employees from within the organization. “Our business drivers for these decisions are clear—we have hard to fill mid-tier jobs and by paying well we have a stronger pool of entry level staff who we can develop to fill the mid teir jobs.”

Shamus Jones, Founder and President of Brooklyn Brine, an artisanal pickling business with 10 employees, offered a small business perspective on the minimum wage. As a manufacturer of specialty products competing in an industry dominated by commodity products and pricing, paying subpar wages was never an option. Jones starts his workers at $16 per hour – significantly higher than the minimum wage – but expects a lot in return.

Mr. Jones believes that the increased productivity resulting from reduced employee turnover, high morale, and loyal employees who believe in the company and are willing to work hard to share in its success, more than cover higher wages, and ultimately pay off in an increased bottom line.

“I believe in conscientious capitalism,” he said. “Higher wages means we get much more competitive applicants, who give us the competitive edge we need.”

The audience engaged the panelists in a lively question and answer period right up until the end of the event.

“This Solutions Series has been tremendously informative,” said Fedcap COO Joe Giannetto. “We are grateful to our panel for having provided us with a better understanding of this complex issue.”

Solution Series: The Intersection of Workforce and Economic Development: Why it Matters to Employers

Solution Series: The Intersection of Workforce and Economic Development: Why it Matters to Employers

Economic development and workforce development, the primary drivers of jobs and growth, have historically not been linked. When the two are aligned – when economic development incorporates workforce training and job creation in multi-stakeholder efforts – everybody wins.

Fedcap President and CEO Christine McMahon welcomed over 150 people, including representatives from business, government, academia, think tanks and not for profit providers to the Mutual of America Building on March 27th for Fedcap’s 7th Solutions Series on the topic of the Intersection of Workforce and Economic Development.

“There are existing frameworks in place in our communities for traditional workforce and economic development,” McMahon said in opening remarks. “We want to integrate them and apply them directly to people with barriers.”

Four distinguished panelists discussed the latest trends in workforce and economic development, in New York City and across the nation. The panel touched on topics including sector-based training, government policy, employer engagement, economic and labor trends and the role of community colleges.

Workforce development entities can build successful long-term relationships with employers when they understand economic and labor market trends, and develop skill-based training curriculums with substantial employer input, said Mark Elliott, President, Economic Mobility Corporation. “Further, Economic Development strategies must start to require partnership with workforce entities” he said.

Chris Neale, Assistant Commissioner, External Relations and Special Programs in the Workforce Development Division of the NYC Department of Small Business Services, said that the Administration of NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is targeting quality jobs that offer career paths. He described several such programs including P-Tech – an initiative of IBM, City University of New York (CUNY) and the NYC Department of Education – and a pilot training program for $65,000/year website development jobs. “The best way to develop career paths is through employer-drive training in high growth sectors like health care and technology,” Neale said.

The role of community colleges is changing as they build institutional capacity, and become focal points for job training and career development, said David Jason Fischer, Senior Fellow, Workforce Development, Center for an Urban Future. “While it is not easy to work with an organization like CUNY because there is no single voice, if they would expand their partnership with business and develop credentialed training programs that meet high sector demands, it would dramatically increase the numbers of workers available to meet business staffing needs,” he said.

Melanie Kirk, Senior Vice President, Human Resources for FreshDirect, a fast-growing online grocer that serves the New York City metropolitan area, said that one of the top priorities of business is to develop a workforce with as many skills sets as possible. Workforce developers are key partners in supplementing internal efforts, not just in skills development but in work readiness training.

“It is about helping employees prepare for work, understand the culture, understand the role of professionals in the workplace, and connecting them to the company,” she said.

Many businesses were intrigued by the rich discussion and have followed up by asking Fedcap to consider partnering with them to develop tailored training and follow up conversations are occurring with several colleges including the Metropolitan University of New York.

Solution Series: Leveraging the Older Workforce as a Competitive Advantage

Solution Series: Leveraging the Older Workforce as a Competitive Advantage

As people live longer and postpone retirement, the previously understood stages of life – childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age – are themselves getting old.

Adults between 50-70 are healthy and productive, no longer young but not ready for old age. They are adults 2.0, according to Sandra Timmerman, Ed.D. Corporate Gerontologist/Aging & Business Strategies. “As long as people are productive they’re not really old, not in the way that people used to think of old age,” said Timmerman.

Leaders from the business and non-profit worlds attending Fedcap’s 6th Solutions Series forum, this one titled, “Business in the 21st Century: Leveraging the Older Workforce as a Competitive Advantage,” heard corporate executives and experts in aging and the workplace discuss the profound demographic shift underway in the United States as the aging Baby Boomer Generation – healthy, robust and under economic pressure – remains in the workforce. The percentage of the labor force age 55+ grew from 13.1% in 2000 to 19.5% in 2010, and is expected to increase to 25.2% in 2020.

As the workforce ages, employers face workplace challenges related to compensation, retirement, tenure, communications, work preferences, knowledge transfer, and workplace design. Yet companies have barely begun to analyze the impact of the aging workforce on their bottom line, or even the changing demographics of their own employees.

Eighty-five percent of companies that responded to an Ernst & Young survey said that their organizations had no formal programs in place to respond to the aging workforce.

Dick Cattani, Chief Executive Officer, Premier Hospitality Division, Compass Group, a leading provider of food service management and support services acknowledged the challenges inherent in tackling the problem of the aging workforce.

“We have over 220,000 employees in North America, many moving parts and we are trying to figure out how to support employees of all ages. While we have embraced a more flexible work schedule, seasonal work and job sharing, we have a long way to go to fully respond to the aging of our staff,” said Cattani.

“The productivity of older workers is best harvested through mixed-age workforces. Small ergonomic changes can also enhance productivity”, said Kathleen E. Christensen, Ph.D., Program Director, Working Longer Program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Flexible workplaces are an important part of the answer. “When properly implemented, they are strategic business tools that benefit both parties by reducing absenteeism and attrition, and increasing worker engagement and performance. Further, this issue has tremendous economic implications. There is no way that a 40-year career can support a 30-year retirement,” said Christiansen.

Attendees at the Fedcap Solutions Series forum heard case studies about what BMW, CVS, Goldman Sachs and other companies are doing to maximize older worker productivity.

Solution Series: Changing the Story: A Symposium

Solution Series: Changing the Story: A Symposium

Hundreds Join Fedcap to Brainstorm Solutions to Crisis of Disconnected Youth

Hundreds of people joined Fedcap, Rutgers University’s School of Social Work (http://socialwork.rutgers.edu/iff/) and The Moore Center (http://moorecenter.org) on Friday to brainstorm solutions to the national crisis of disconnected youth. Click here to watch the video.

Millions of 16-24-year-olds aren’t in school or viable employment. Many have spent time in child welfare and/or juvenile justice, many lack family or other stable adults to support them, and they face unemployment at least double the rate facing the general population. This disconnection costs the country millions of dollars in social services, and an incalculable amount in lost human potential.

“When we look beyond the statistics to the rates of homelessness and joblessness and the pervasive sense of hopelessness that can be the daily reality for far too many, we begin to understand the depth of the problem,” said Christine McMahon, President & CEO of Fedcap. “This problem won’t be solved by any one agency or department or system acting alone. It requires innovative and effective partnerships. Today we ask each of you to embrace the challenge, understanding that we are searching for accessible solutions to specific problems that, once identified and understood, can be solved!”

More than 400 social workers and other child-welfare experts attended Friday’s symposium, Changing the Story for Disconnected Youth, in person at Rutgers in New Jersey, and many others logged on to join remotely from across the country and as far away as the United Kingdom and New Zealand. A panel of four people who had been in foster care shared their experiences and insights, and the event contained many lessons for those who work with or on behalf of disconnected youth.

“This is the most important discussion in New Jersey right now,” said Allison Blake, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Children and Families. She challenged the social workers and other child-welfare experts in attendance to invite youth to the table and listen to what they say. “It’s rare that we invite them to participate in policy review, be part of the development of a training curriculum. We have to practice authentic engagement and not just pay lip service.”

“Social work schools can play a crucial role in improving the life chances of these disconnected youth by partnering with clinicians, administrators, policymakers and the youth themselves,” said Kathleen J. Pottick, Acting Dean of the Rutgers School of Social Work. “We need to accelerate research efforts to find strategies that work – and that work quickly, to avoid another generation of disconnected youth.”

“The enormous response to our invitation to this event clearly shows the scope of this problem and the widespread desire to tackle it,” said Andy Germak, Executive Director of the Rutgers School of Social Work’s Institute for Families. “Now we must identify the most effective ways to put that willingness to work.”

The panel of former foster youth included three college students and a Washington, DC, Family Court judge who grew up in New Jersey.

“Child welfare took us when I was six,” said the Hon. S. Pamela Gray, Magistrate Judge in the Family Court of the District of Columbia. “My younger sister and I clung together through move after move. They moved us in trash bags. I really began to feel like I was trash. Self-hatred turned into acting out. Nobody cared about me and I didn’t care about anyone.

“Foster children are an asset, as peer mentors, adult mentors,” Judge Gray said. “I know what can happen if someone takes an interest. My tenth-grade home economics teacher saw that there was something there, some potential in me.”

“The system definitely made you realize that you were not a regular youth,” said Tony Conover, a senior at Rutgers. “I’ve had a lot of case workers. I can name two who made me feel like I was more than just a case file.”

“Ask me how I’m doing, ask me about me, not just about my case file,” agreed Jaleesa Suell, a senior at The George Washington University, describing how she wished she had been treated. She added that foster youth needed greater access to mental health resources after they emancipate.

“I’ve been in more homes than my age,” said Antoine Wood, a student at the University of the District of Columbia who is still in foster care. “As I go to age out, I’m terrified about the financial piece.”

Moderator William Waldman, Executive in Residence at the Rutgers School of Social Work and previously Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services and a member of three gubernatorial cabinets, commended the panelists for “paying it forward.” To his fellow social workers he added: “We should never engage in the soft bigotry of lowered expectations when serving disconnected youth.”

Paul Boynton, President & CEO of The Moore Center, closed the symposium with a challenge: “Now it rests on each of us to turn these bold solutions into actions.”

Solution Series: Connecting Vets to Jobs

Solution Series: Connecting Vets to Jobs

Fedcap (www.fedcap.org), which has matched work-ready people with jobs for eight decades, opened a dialogue among employers, the military and veterans’ groups on November 11 aimed at making it easier for veterans to get employed.

More than 140 people gathered at Mutual of America headquarters in Manhattan for the Veterans Day launch of the Fedcap Solution Series: Connecting Veterans to Jobs, including representatives from private- and public-sector employers, nonprofits, service agencies, active military and veterans. The conversation focused on how to collectively address the barriers that remain between veterans and jobs – despite employers’ clear enthusiasm to hire from this highly skilled talent pool.

“We are extremely grateful that over 62 businesses have come here today to help us think through these issues and find real solutions,” said Christine McMahon, President and CEO of Fedcap. “This is going to be solved – not by each of us working separately, but by everyone working together.”

On the panel, Command Sergeant Major Frank Wicks, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Adjutant General and Commander of the New York Army National Guard, stressed that the training and soft skills veterans bring to the workplace are worth the possible sacrifice of temporarily losing them to deployment. Noting that he had been invited to ring the opening bell on Wall Street today but came to the Fedcap conference instead, CSM Wicks said, “That would have been an honor, but this is more of an honor.”

Lynne DiStasio, Vice President, Human Resources at MetLife, welcomed new tools that help employers and veterans speak the same language about skills and jobs, but stressed that much more needs to be done. “The activities that military people have been engaged in often do not translate to private sector jobs,” she said. “We are building a bridge across the river from two sides. We must connect in the middle.”

The panel also included Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Robert Van Pelt, Program Coordinator, New York National Guard, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, and Hannah Rudstam, Ph.D., Senior Extension Faculty, Employment & Disability Institute, Cornell University, author of parallel surveys of veterans and Human Resource professionals. The moderator was Philip Revzin, Editor at Large, Bloomberg News.