Are You Paying Attention to Organizational Health?

Are You Paying Attention to Organizational Health?

May 10, 2021

Peter Drucker famously said, “What gets measured gets managed.” It is not difficult to imagine the converse, when something goes unmeasured, it is vulnerable to being unmanaged.

The challenge is in measuring the right things—data that really tells you about the corporate health and performance of your organization.
In a recent article in the McKinsey Quarterly on successful organizations, the authors stressed that outperforming companies set clear, measurable organizational-health targets in conjunction with their financial objectives. This concept of organizational health targets is worthy of taking the time to dissect. It includes dimensions such as leadership, accountability, innovation and learning.

An organization’s health—its ability to align around and achieve strategic goals—is critical for long-term performance. However, many leaders struggle to find a clear way to measure and improve it. They focus solely on financial performance. And yet, according to McKinsey, which has been monitoring the health of well over a thousand companies for more than 15 years, companies that are healthy (as measured by a diverse set of benchmarks) consistently outperform their peers.

The following reflect McKinsey’s suggestions for how to “jump start” measurement of organizational health:

Measure results and then measure them again, and again.

Investment in organizational health, when tied to strong financial performance, leads directly to long term sustainability.

10 mayo 2021

¿Estás poniendo atención a la salud organizativa?

Peter Drucker lo dijo estupendamente: “Lo que se mide puede manejarse”. No es difícil imaginar lo contrario, cuando algo no está medido, es vulnerable a no ser manejado.

El desafío consiste en medir las cosas apropiadas; datos que realmente te hablen de la salud corporativa y del rendimiento de tu organización.

En un artículo reciente en el “McKinsey Quarterly”, acerca de organizaciones exitosas; los autores destacaron que las empresas que obtienen mejores resultados establecen objetivos organizativos y de salud, claros y medibles, junto con sus objetivos financieros. Este concepto de objetivos de salud organizativos; vale la pena de tomarse el tiempo para revisarlos minuciosamente. Estos incluyen elementos como: el liderazgo, la rendición de cuentas, la innovación y el aprendizaje.

La salud de una organización, su capacidad para alinearse en torno a y alcanzar objetivos estratégicos; esto es fundamental para el desempeño a largo plazo. Sin embargo, muchos líderes luchan por encontrar un camino claro para medirlos y mejorarlos. Ellos se centran únicamente en el rendimiento financiero. Y sin embargo según McKinsey, que ha estado monitoreando la salud de por lo menos mil empresas durante más de 15 años; las empresas que están sanas (medidas por un conjunto diverso de puntos de referencia) superan consistentemente a sus pares.

A continuación, se reflejan las sugerencias de McKinsey sobre cómo “arrancar de emergencia” la medición de la salud organizativa:

Mide los resultados y luego mide nuevamente, y de nuevo otra vez.
La inversión en salud organizativa cuando está ligada a un sólido desempeño financiero, te lleva directamente a la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.

Making the Most of ARP’s $40 Billion—Single Stop Plays a Critical Role on College Campuses

Making the Most of ARP’s $40 Billion—Single Stop Plays a Critical Role on College Campuses

Single Stop was featured in an opinion article on ways to use the American Rescue Plan’s $40 billion allocation for colleges.

Among the measures the authors recommend:

“Build an integrated support system. At both Miami Dade and Amarillo, the steps we have taken to address student needs during the pandemic are part of a larger, integrated system. Miami Dade’s Single Stop program is, as the name implies, a one-stop shop for a variety of social services.

Students experiencing food insecurity, for instance, can not only visit the pantry but also work with coordinators who can help them be screened for a variety of federal, state and local resources like SNAP. Over the past 12 years, Single Stop has helped 66,000 students receive food assistance, mental health counseling, financial coaching, legal aid and other services. Miami Dade has built an ecosystem of external partners that includes community-based organizations and private and public sector agencies that help provide holistic support to its students.”

Read the full article on the Inside Higher Ed website. Learn more about Single Stop at

Hiring Top-Tier Talent: Not as Easy as it Sounds

Hiring Top-Tier Talent: Not as Easy as it Sounds

May 3, 2021

Even in today’s labor market, where thousands of talented individuals lost their jobs due to the pandemic, finding top-tier talent is not easy. The talent is out there, but I am not sure we always know how to spot it when we see it. Determining if the prospective employee has the right talent, and if they know how to use that talent in the right way, is an art form.

Here are some of my top considerations when interviewing for an executive level position.

First and foremost, are they critical thinkers? This is difficult to assess. Certainly, you can explore scenarios and listen to responses. You can ask questions and see how they organize their thoughts and what they think is important. But the ability to critically think as part of day-to-day problem solving is challenging to see in the interview process. Prior to the pandemic we used to hold Corporate Weeks, where agency leadership would come to New York City for a week. We would discuss the health of the corporation, conduct strategy sessions, review financial projections, discuss organizational risks, explore market trends, share new aspects of infrastructure including large-scale software implementations, and more. When looking for top-tier executive talent, I would always invite potential executive candidates to these sessions and listen carefully to their observations and most importantly, to the questions they would pose following the sessions. Corporate Weeks have turned into weekly Zoom sessions as a result of the pandemic. While not quite as effective, I still invite candidates to listen in on these Zoom sessions. I listen for innovative and smart questions, observations that zero in on some of our organizational strengths and weaknesses, ideas that are in line with our strategic direction, or perspectives that reflect insight and intuition. I listen for whether or not the candidate listens to talk, or listens to understand. To be able to critically think within high-pressure situations is one of the characteristics that make good leaders great.

Next, I want to know if they understand the concept of building structure. If when I start to discuss this in the interview, they talk about an org chart (and this happens often), I find a way to end the interview. From my experience, the ability to comprehend and then operationalize a clear and precise structure that depicts how the end-to-end work gets done, is missing in many people who describe themselves as leaders. And in the absence of structure, good people fail. I see it over and over again. Staff want to do a good job, but when they do not have a clear structure in which to do their work, mistakes are made, and things get missed—often. During the interview process I ask about structures the candidate has built and how they went about the process. I listen to see if the individual was clear about what the structure was driving towards, the goals the structure was intended to advance, the ways they measured the efficacy of their structure.

Additionally, I want to get a clear sense of whether or not the candidate is a team player. It is amazing how many talented, successful people do not play well with others. That said, I have worked with very successful people who work best independently—and who do not thrive in a team environment. I can manage that. But if this characteristic is present in too many on the executive team, serious systemic challenges will arise.

Lastly, and this may seem obvious, I pay attention to whether or not I like them. Members of an executive team spend a lot of time together. They need to think together, they need to challenge each other and they need to produce. This can be excruciating if a member of the team simply does not click with others. It is tricky to know what makes people work effectively together. Often it comprises intangibles—but they matter. If you find yourself eager for the interview to be over and getting annoyed frequently throughout the conversation, save yourself future problems, and let this candidate pass.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.


Are You Cultivating a Leverageable Network?

Are You Cultivating a Leverageable Network?

April 26, 2021

Over the past several months the leaders of The Fedcap Group have been discussing the importance of building, cultivating and ultimately leveraging business relationships.

In a 2013 article in The Huffington Post, Porter Gale, author of the bestselling book, Your Network Is Your Net Worth: Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections for Wealth, Success, and Happiness in the Digital Age wrote, “I believe your social capital, or your ability to build a network of authentic personal and professional relationships, not your financial capital, is the most important asset in your portfolio.” Recently Harvard Business Review (HBR) Management Tip of the Day echoed that same sentiment, suggesting that many times individuals focus so much time on building skills that they fail to build the critical relationships demanded in today’s environment—and don’t realize it until they experience the repercussions. In a 2014 study conducted by HBR, it was discovered that among the 165 lawyers at a large North American law firm, those who networked effectively were the most successful, better able to bring business into the firm and ultimately achieve partnership status.

As important as networks are to an individual’s professional growth, they are equally important to business growth. Business networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other people also in your business. Shared knowledge, opportunities and a raised profile all result from effective networking.

A valuable network helps us understand where our organization fits strategically in the wider business environment and provides opportunities to tap into new business—often sooner than the rest of our competitors. Leveraging a network is how work gets done in the interconnected environment in which we compete. Networking provides you with connections and opens the door to influential people that can be a boon for business and help shape new business.

Effective networks are based on trust. A 2018 article in Entrepreneur stressed that leaders prefer to become intermingled in important transactions with people they trust. Relationships establish and fortify that trust. Networking can help to build your businesses reputation as a knowledgeable and reliable partner. When referred to a potential new business opportunity by a trusted colleague, both you and the potential partner build the relationship on a foundation of trust. The good news is that digital platforms and social media networks make it easier than ever to develop and stay connected to a global network of colleagues.

A professional network is built with intentionality and requires an investment of time to cultivate and sustain. In my experience, it is worth the investment.

Granite Pathways Team Members Recognized by State of New Hampshire

Granite Pathways Team Members Recognized by State of New Hampshire

Lisa Bee and Lori Herbert of Granite Pathway’s Strength to Succeed program were presented with awards by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF).

Lisa Bee and Lori Hebert

Granite Pathways is thrilled to announce that two team members have been recognized by the State of New Hampshire for outstanding service! Lisa Bee, a Parent Partner in the Strength to Succeed (STS) program, was presented with the Exemplary Leadership and Service Award for her outstanding work by NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Commissioner Lori Shibinette, and Joe Ribsam, Jr., Director of the Division for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF). Lisa was nominated by DCYF staff as a leader whose work is exceptional and as someone who goes above and beyond for the parents with whom she works. For those parents, she is a beacon of hope and inspiration.

The recognition was given virtually at the annual DCYF conference. “It is hard to express how honored I am to receive this award,” Lisa said. “I am humbled to be able to help build relationships with families here in New Hampshire.”

Lori Hebert, STS Program Director, was presented with the Granite Award for Exceptional External Partnership and Collaboration with DCYF. “It is truly an honor to be recognized by DCYF. I share this award with our entire team who have tirelessly worked to build and expand peer services for families involved with child protection. Together with the Division, we are helping families find healing through sustainable recovery and I look forward to continuing this work together.”

The State of NH deserves significant credit for its commitment to innovation. Recognizing the challenges faced by families impacted by substance use disorder (SUD), DCYF introduced STS as a collaborative, voluntary approach to support children and parents through a peer-to-peer support model.

Learn more about the awards and the Strength to Succeed program on the Granite Pathways website. 

Areas Where Not-for Profit Companies Need to Mirror For-Profit Business Practices

Areas Where Not-for Profit Companies Need to Mirror For-Profit Business Practices

April 19, 2021

All corporations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, need to be viewed as solving problems and creating value. Both the for-profit investor and the not-for-profit donor are looking for the same thing … measurable, positive impact.

To achieve the greatest impact, businesses must invest in their companies. Today I want to highlight some of the critical areas of investment where we in the not-for-profit sector can improve.

As in any business, there is competition for top talent. Effectively competing requires having an inclusive and diverse workforce, an engaging company culture, a generous benefit package, and competitive salaries. It also requires having top-rate onboarding and professional development processes that allow for career ladders within the organization. Investment in talent is expensive—and while the nonprofit may not be able to compete with Fortune 500 companies in terms of salary and benefits (although in many instances the difference in line level staff positions is negligible), it can offer the authentic experience of changing lives. It is the job of the not-for-profit to make the business case to potential employees, on why working within an organizational culture committed to making an impact is worth the possible pay and benefit difference.

Financial: Companies must efficiently monitor and control revenue and expenses, manage cash flow, drive AR/AP and ensure resources to allow us to invest strategically in new business. This requires an investment in technology. An effective financial management system improves short- and long-term business performance.

Client Management: Sustaining corporate health over time requires understanding “product” impact. In the for-profit sector it might be improving the volume of grain produced or a reduction in bug infestation, in the nonprofit sector it might be the success in helping people obtain and retain jobs. Regardless, we need to be able to demonstrate that what we do works. Technology is critical to outcomes/impact tracking. In today’s environment, anecdotes are an insufficient approach to convincing an individual or company to invest in the business.

Business Development: Because of the increased cost of labor, insurance, benefits, space— if businesses are not growing, they are shrinking. Both for-profit and not-for-profit companies must invest in technology to support new business development. Being able to predict win rates allows for accurate short- and long-term planning.

Marketing requires a growth strategy and the ability to “tell the business story” in a compelling way. Brand recognition is an imperative. Marketing fulfills five key functions: 1) enabling a business to successfully educate customers, 2) keeping customers engaged, 3) creating a strong reputation in the minds of current and potential customers and 4) providing a way to smartly sell goods and services and 5) growing business. For a variety of reasons, the not-for-profit sector has been reluctant to develop and implement comprehensive marketing strategies. To sustain long term corporate health, this needs to change.

For both for-profits and not-for-profits, most investors want to “see” into the company. They want to understand high-level business decisions and they do not want to be surprised. Transparency builds trust. It eliminates any suspicions or anxieties stakeholders might have about the company. By laying out the realities faced, and discussing approaches to problem resolution, a business demonstrates that it is not trying to hide issues or challenges. Many for-profit businesses release financial performance and operational trends on a bi-annual or quarterly basis. This is not a standard practice for not-for-profit companies—but it should be.

Note: In 2015 The Fedcap Group initiated bi-annual Financial and Operation Releases –ensuring that our funders, donors and key stakeholders have timely and comprehensive information about our status. Our next release is May 11th at 11:00 am ET. Please click here to register. 

As always, I look forward to your comments.

19 abril 2021

Áreas en las Que las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro, Necesitan Reflejar las Prácticas de Negocios con Fines de Lucro

Todas las corporaciones, ya sean con fines o sin fines de lucro, deben ser vistas como resolviendo problemas y creando valor. Tanto el inversionista con fines de lucro como el donador a sin fines de lucro están buscando lo mismo …un impacto medible y positivo.

Para lograr el mayor impacto, los negocios deben invertir en sus empresas. Hoy quiero destacar algunas de las áreas críticas de inversión en las que nosotros; en el sector sin fines de lucro, podemos mejorar.

Como en cualquier negocio, hay competencia por los mejores talentos. Competir eficazmente; requiere tener una fuerza de trabajo inclusiva y diversa, una cultura de empresa atractiva, un generoso paquete de beneficios, así como salarios competitivos. También requiere tener procesos de incorporación y desarrollo profesional de primera clase que permitan ascensos profesionales dentro de la organización. La inversión en talento es costosa, y aunque la organización sin fines de lucro pueda no ser capaz de competir con las empresas “Fortune 500”, en términos de salario y beneficios (aunque en muchos casos la diferencia en los puestos de personal de nivel de orden es insignificante), puede ofrecer la experiencia auténtica de cambiar vidas. Es el trabajo de las sin fines de lucro de presentar el caso de negocios a los empleados potenciales; sobre el por qué, trabajar dentro de una cultura organizacional comprometida haciendo impacto, vale la pena; la posible diferencia salarial y de beneficios.

Financiero: Las empresas deben monitorear y controlar eficientemente los ingresos y gastos; administrar el flujo de caja, así como tanto las cuentas por cobrar y por pagar, y garantizar recursos que nos permitan invertir estratégicamente en nuevos negocios. Esto requiere una inversión en tecnología. Un sistema de gestión financiera eficaz mejora el rendimiento empresarial a corto y largo plazo.

Manejo de Clientes: Mantener la salud corporativa a lo largo del tiempo, requiere entender el impacto del “producto”. En el sector con fines de lucro, podría ser en mejor el volumen de granos producidos o una reducción de plagas de insectos; en el sector sin fines de lucro podría ser; en el éxito en ayudar a las personas a obtener y retener puestos de trabajo. A pesar de todo, tenemos que ser capaces de demostrar que lo que hacemos funciona. La tecnología es fundamental para el seguimiento tanto de resultados como de impactos. En el entorno actual; las anécdotas son un enfoque insuficiente para convencer a un individuo o empresa, para que invierta en el negocio.

Desarrollo de Negocios: debido al aumento tanto del costo de la mano de obra como de seguros, de beneficios, de espacio; si las empresas no están creciendo, entonces se están reduciendo. Tanto las empresas con fines, como las sin fines de lucro deben invertir en tecnología para apoyar el desarrollo de nuevos negocios. Ser capaz de predecir las tasas de ganancias permite una planificación certera a corto y largo plazo.

El mercadeo requiere una estrategia de crecimiento y la capacidad de “contar la historia del negocio” de una manera convincente. El reconocimiento de marca es un imperativo. El mercadeo cumple cinco funciones claves: 1) da a las empresas el poder de convencer con éxito a los consumidores, 2) mantenerlos comprometidos, 3) creando una fuerte reputación en la mente de los clientes actuales y potenciales y 4) ofrecer una manera de vender inteligentemente buenos productos y servicios y 5) hacer crecer el negocio. Por diversas razones, el sector sin fines de lucro se ha mostrado reacio a desarrollar e implementar estrategias de mercadeo integrales. Para mantener la salud corporativa a largo plazo, esto necesita cambiar.

Tanto para las empresas con fines, como para las sin fines de lucro; la mayoría de los inversionistas quieren “ver” adentro de la compañía. Quieren entender las decisiones empresariales de alto nivel y no quieren sorprenderse. La transparencia genera confianza. Elimina las sospechas o ansiedades que los accionistas puedan tener sobre la empresa. Al exponer las realidades a las que se enfrenta y discutir enfoques para la resolución de problemas, una empresa demuestra que no está tratando de ocultar problemas o desafíos. Muchas empresas con fines de lucro liberan el rendimiento financiero y las tendencias operativas de forma semestral o trimestralmente. Esta no es una práctica estándar para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, pero debería serlo.

Nota: En 2015 el Fedcap Group inició lanzamientos financieros y operativos semestralmente, asegurando que nuestros financiadores, donantes y partes interesadas clave, tengan información oportuna e integral sobre nuestro estado. Nuestro próximo lanzamiento es el 11 de mayo a las 11:00 am (tiempo del este). Haz clic aquí para registrarte.

Joining Forces to Create a Trained Technologically Savvy Workforce

Joining Forces to Create a Trained Technologically Savvy Workforce

Jonathan is a welding student at Apex Technical School and looking forward to the next chapter in his life.

April 12, 2021

iWork!™ —discussed in last week’s blog—will shine a spotlight on the experiences of individuals who have secured employment, or are on the path to get there, to emphasize the importance of a good job and investing in workforce readiness.

The Department of Labor reports that there are close to 10MM people out of work in the United States. And if we add to that the number of people who are under-employed, the employment situation for millions more is dire.

At the same time, the war for high-tech talent is fierce. According to the Wall Street Journal, IT hiring challenges are one of the biggest, and most quickly accelerating, industry trends. In fact, the 2019 State of the CIO survey found that 49 percent of CIOs expect to experience IT skills shortages in the next 12 months.

A recent study by Burning Glass Technologies states that more than 8 in 10 middle-skill jobs (82 percent) require digital skills. “Digitally intensive middle-skill jobs pay on average $20 per hour; those with advanced digital skills such as IT networking or CRM software can command salaries at or above $28/hour, which places them in the top quartile of all earners. Digital skills provide a career pathway into middle- and high-skill jobs. Allowing employees more opportunity to build their career path towards their goal position and salary.”

The time is ripe for a combined governmental, philanthropic, nonprofit and business focus on developing a skilled workforce able to compete in the evolving and growing digital/technological terrain.

Integrated investments from these four sectors and an aligned focus on rebuilding the workforce across the country would result in a deep bench of workers with technological skills. Such investments would fuel our economy and change the trajectory of individuals and families for generations to come. Consider just a few industries that require technological training.

Automotive: Throughout history, the car industry has always been of the most receptive industries to emerging technologies. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, technology has redefined the way cars are manufactured, operated and maintained. Technology has already redefined the way cars use fuel, with electric, hybrid and solar energy systems beginning to displace the internal combustion engine and gas-fed engines as the driving force of the future.

Construction: Every year construction projects become more complicated, and skilled workers become harder to find. In response, the most effective developers are turning to technology to help bring projects to life on time and on budget.

Agriculture: The agriculture industry has radically transformed over the past 50 years. Advances in machinery have expanded the scale, speed, and productivity of farm equipment, leading to more efficient cultivation of land. Seed, irrigation, and fertilizers also have vastly improved, helping farmers increase yields. Now, agriculture is in the early days of yet another revolution, at the heart of which lie data and connectivity. Artificial intelligence, analytics, connected sensors, and other emerging technologies are further increasing yields, improving the efficiency of water and other inputs, and building sustainability and resilience across crop cultivation.

Energy: As a result of technological advances in renewable electricity, wind and solar are becoming economically competitive. As such, this is an emerging employment market that requires technological skill and training.

By joining efforts and focusing on those industries that are becoming increasingly technologically dependent while struggling with a dearth of trained candidates, government, philanthropy, nonprofits and business have the ability to turn the impact of the pandemic around, shore up our struggling economy and prepare us to respond to the rapidly evolving digital marketplace.

The Fedcap Group is working hard to be part of the solution. Our recent acquisitions of Civic Hall and Apex Technical School allow us to provide the opportunity for individuals to obtain well-paying technology jobs at our Digital Skills Training Center planned to open in 2021.

12 abril 2021

Uniendo Fuerzas para Crear una Mano de Obra Entrenada Tecnológicamente Inteligente

¡iWork! ™, tratado en el “blog” de la semana pasada; pondrá el énfasis en las experiencias de las personas que se han asegurado un empleo, o están en el camino de llegar allí; enfatizando la importancia de un buen trabajo e inversión en la preparación de la fuerza laboral.

El Departamento de Labor declara que hay cerca de 10 millones de personas en el paro, en los Estados Unidos. Y si a eso le sumamos el número de personas subempleadas; la situación laboral de millones más es grave.

Al mismo tiempo, la lucha por el talento de alta tecnología es feroz. Según el Wall Street Journal, los desafíos de contratación tecnológica son uno de los mayores, más desafiantes y acelerados en la industria. De hecho, la encuesta del Director de Información Estatal de 2019 encontró que el 49 por ciento de los Directores de Información; esperan experimentar escasez de habilidades tecnológicas en los próximos 12 meses.

Un estudio reciente de Burning Glass Technologies afirma que más de 8 de cada 10 trabajos de habilidades medias (el 82 por ciento) requieren capacidades digitales. “Los trabajos de capacidades medias intensivas digitalmente pagan en promedio $20 por hora; aquellos con habilidades digitales avanzadas en redes de tecnología o “software CRM”, pueden obtener salarios de o por encima de $28 la hora; lo que los coloca en la cuarta parte más alta, de todos los asalariados. Las habilidades digitales proporcionan un camino profesional hacia trabajos de capacidades medias y altas. Permitiéndoles a los empleados más oportunidades de construir su camino profesional, hacia su meta tanto de posición de trabajo como de salario. “

Ha llegado el momento de un enfoque combinado tanto gubernamental, como filantrópico, con las sin fines de lucro y empresarial en el desarrollo de una mano de obra calificada, capaz de competir en el cambiante y creciente terreno, tanto digital como tecnológico.

Las inversiones incorporadas de estos cuatro sectores y un enfoque alineado en la reconstrucción de la fuerza de trabajo en todo el país darían lugar a una plataforma profunda de trabajadores con habilidades tecnológicas. Tales inversiones alimentan nuestra economía y cambian la trayectoria de individuos y familias para las generaciones venideras. Consideremos sólo algunas industrias que requieren capacitación echnológica.

Automovilística: A lo largo de la historia, la industria automovilística siempre ha sido de las industrias más receptivas a las tecnologías emergentes. Desde principios del Siglo 20; la tecnología ha redefinido la forma en que los automóviles son fabricados, operados y mantenidos. La tecnología ya ha redefinido la forma en que los automóviles utilizan el combustible; tanto con sistemas eléctricos como híbridos y de energía solar, que comienzan a desplazar el motor de gasolina y los motores alimentados por gas; como los motores del futuro.

Construcción: Cada año los proyectos de construcción se vuelven más complicados, y los trabajadores calificados se vuelven más difíciles de encontrar. En respuesta, las constructoras más eficaces están recurriendo a la tecnología para ayudar a dar vida a proyectos, a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto.

Agricultura: La industria agrícola se ha transformado radicalmente en los últimos 50 años. Los avances en la maquinaria han ampliado la escala, la velocidad y la productividad de los equipos agrícolas; lo que ha llevado a un cultivo más eficiente de la tierra. Las semillas, el riego y los fertilizantes también han mejorado enormemente; ayudando a los agricultores a aumentar los rendimientos. Ahora, la agricultura está en los primeros días de otra revolución, en cuyo corazón se encuentran los datos y la conectividad. La inteligencia artificial, el análisis, los sensores conectados y otras tecnologías emergentes aumentan aún más los rendimientos, improvisan la eficiencia del agua y otros insumos, y crean sostenibilidad y resistencia en todo el cultivo.

Energía: Como resultado de los avances tecnológicos tanto en electricidad renovable, como energía eólica y solar, éstas se están volviendo económicamente competitivas. Como tal, se trata de un mercado de trabajo emergente que requiere habilidad tecnológica y capacitación.

Al unir esfuerzos y centrarse en aquellas industrias que se están volviendo cada vez más dependientes tecnológicamente; mientras luchan con una escasez de candidatos capacitados en el gobierno, la filantropía, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro y las industrias; éstas tienen la capacidad de cambiar el impacto de la pandemia, apuntalar nuestra economía en dificultades y prepararnos para responder al mercado digital, en rápida evolución.

The Fedcap Group está trabajando duro para ser parte de la solución. Nuestras recientes adquisiciones de Civic Hall y Apex Technical School nos permitirán brindar a las personas, la oportunidad de obtener trabajos tecnológicos bien pagados en nuestro Centro de Capacitación de Habilidades Digitales; planeados para abrir en 2021.

The Fedcap Group Launches iWORK!

The Fedcap Group Launches iWORK!

April 5, 2021

“Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, the power of work is a blessing, the love of work is success.” – David O. McKay

Work matters. If we did not know it before, the pandemic reminded us. Work generates self- esteem, hope, a sense of belonging, a confidence in the future.

As states and cities across the nation transform lives and communities hit hardest by the pandemic, The Fedcap Group is launching iWORK! – a clarion call for leaving no one behind and giving every person a fair shot and an equal chance to get ahead with a job at a living wage. The iWORK! campaign will leverage the voices of people who have overcome barriers to employment to demonstrate how the path to a good job is a life-changing experience. We’ll amplify this message—with data and research—through podcasts, social media, panel discussions, white papers and advocacy.

Helping people of all backgrounds obtain and maintain a good job is The Fedcap Group’s contribution to counter the exclusion and marginalization that exists, especially for people of color and people with disabilities. These circumstances have only worsened during the pandemic:

As The Fedcap Group continues our mission of over eight decades—to address inequities and injustices with access to meaningful work at competitive wages—we hope to garner more champions in this struggle. Our iWORK! campaign will:

Findings show that benefits of hiring people with disabilities and other employment barriers includes improvements in profitability (e.g., profits and cost-effectiveness, turnover and retention, reliability and punctuality, employee loyalty, company image), competitive advantage (e.g., diverse customers, customer loyalty and satisfaction, innovation, productivity, work ethic, safety), inclusive work culture, and ability awareness. The benefits for people hired includes improved quality of life and income, enhanced self-confidence, expanded social network, and a sense of community.

In other words, the inclusion of people of diverse backgrounds and abilities encourages everyone to be their best selves.

As our country starts to slowly come back from the economic and social crises resulting from the pandemic, and as businesses start opening their doors and hiring staff, we want to ensure that those hired represent all of society. Stay tuned to learn how you can join The Fedcap Group’s iWORK! campaign.

5 abril 2021

“Debemos darnos cuenta de que el privilegio de trabajar es un don, que el poder del trabajo es una bendición, que el amor por el trabajo es el éxito.”
David O. McKay

El trabajo importa. Si no lo sabíamos antes, la pandemia nos lo recordó. El trabajo genera autoestima, esperanza, sentido de pertenencia, y confianza en el futuro.

A medida de que tanto los estados como las ciudades de toda la nación transforman las vidas y las comunidades más afectadas por la pandemia, ¡The Fedcap Group está lanzando iWORK!; un llamado con clarín, para no dejar a nadie atrás y dar a cada persona tanto una oportunidad justa, así como igualdad de oportunidades para salir adelante con un trabajo de un salario digno. ¡La campaña iWORK! aprovechará las voces de las personas que han superado las dificultades para el empleo; demostrando cómo el camino hacia un buen trabajo es una experiencia que les cambia la vida.

Amplificaremos este mensaje; con datos e investigación, a través de “podcasts”, redes sociales, mesas redondas, reportes informativos, así como defensa y apoyo. Ayudar a personas de todos los orígenes a obtener y mantener un buen trabajo, es la contribución del Fedcap Group, para contrarrestar la exclusión y marginación que existe; especialmente para las personas de color y las personas con discapacidades. Estas circunstancias sólo han empeorado durante la pandemia:


A medida que The Fedcap Group continúa nuestra misión de más de ocho décadas; abordando las desigualdades y las injusticias para el acceso a un trabajo significativo con salarios competitivos; nosotros esperamos conseguir más campeones en esta lucha. Nuestra campaña iWORK! :

Los hallazgos muestran que los beneficios de contratar a personas con discapacidades y otras dificultades para el empleo, incluyen: mejoras en la rentabilidad (por ejemplo, beneficios y costo-rendimiento, reemplazamiento y retención, fiabilidad y puntualidad, lealtad de los empleados, imagen de la empresa), ventaja competitiva (por ejemplo, clientes diversos, lealtad y satisfacción del cliente, innovación, productividad, ética de trabajo, seguridad), cultura de trabajo inclusiva y percatación sobre las capacidades. Los beneficios para las personas contratadas incluyen: una mejor calidad de vida e ingresos económicos, una mayor confianza en sí mismos, una red social ampliada y un sentido de comunidad.

En otras palabras, la inclusión de personas de diversos orígenes y capacidades; alienta a todos a ser lo mejor de sí mismos.

A medida que nuestro país comienza a regresar lentamente de la crisis económica y social, resultantes de la pandemia, y a medida que las empresas comienzan a abrir sus puertas y contratar personal; queremos asegurarnos de que los contratados representen a toda la sociedad. Mantente atento para saber cómo puedes unirte a la campaña iWORK! del Fedcap Group.