Independence, Interdependence, and Self-sufficiency

Independence, Interdependence, and Self-sufficiency

This week we celebrate Independence Day, a day hard-won in our nation’s history. Independence never comes easy. It means turning away from what one knows, facing the unknown, often treacherous future, and having a great deal of faith that one will survive a new life. Our American ancestors were brave souls who fought hard for freedom. Independence takes courage, the willingness to stand for oneself, and hard work to sustain a new life.

Our business is helping people become independent. It is a complicated business. Independence means self-sufficiency in the form of job stability, safe and affordable housing, educational attainment, literacy, and connection within a close community—whether it be family or a chosen kinship. Helping others become independent means having resources for a whole spectrum of care—from crisis intervention to job retention. It means creating a pathway from surviving to thriving.

Just as those who fought for freedom in this country over two hundred years ago, individuals fighting for self-sufficiency must first determine that they want to change the status quo. They must have a vision of what their lives could be like if certain things were to change. And then they must have quick and ready access to resources to help them attain that change. No one can attain independence without the help of others. Rather independence is really about interdependence.

As providers of services to those who seek help, it is our task to ensure that we have the right resources at the right time in the right place to help. And, the continuum of care doesn’t end with someone simply landing a job. Rather, it means supporting individuals so that they are able to enjoy permanent, stable employment of choice,  a job with a career.

Each day, we hear stories of individuals whose lives have changed as a result of the support they received from someone who believed in them and helped them believe in themselves.  This is how independence is achieved. The first step is believing in the power of possible. The rest is finding the right resources to achieve that power.

Recovering Out Loud

Recovering Out Loud

Every day, we hear the stories of people who have overcome barriers to their success. In New Hampshire, Ashley’s life was a downward spiral in a tangle of opioid addiction. She spent time in jail. She lost her husband to a drug overdose. She lost custody of her child. She came perilously close to death herself. But then she found recovery. And today, Ashley is recovering out loud. She works at our Safe Harbor Recovery Center in Portsmouth, NH as a recovery coach. She tells her story over and over again to people who are at the cusp of their recovery. She gives them hope by example. Every day, she works her recovery by bravely telling her story and helping spark others’ courage.

In a recent New Yorker, in an article “The Addict Next Door,” Margaret Talbot writes about the opioid crisis in West Virginia, which holds the sad distinction of being number one in the country for opioid overdose deaths. (New Hampshire is second.) The article depicts the dark story of town after town suffering from too many young deaths. One of the root causes of the ongoing epidemic is the unwillingness for people to admit out loud that their loved one was caught in the clutches of addiction. Instead they—and their loved ones—are hemmed in by shame and by stigma. Obituaries do not name the cause of death. Family members don’t talk about it. No one asks. And the epidemic continues.

Obviously, having the right resources to answer the need is key. But it is by speaking up and telling our stories that barriers can begin to lift and stigma begins to melt away. When we tell our stories out loud, that’s when the power of possible becomes real. That’s when action and forward momentum is possible.

What can those of us who want to support our clients, neighbors, family members or friends do? We can listen. We can listen without judgment, knowing that what has happened to another can happen to us at any time. Ashley didn’t grow up dreaming of becoming addicted to heroin. None of the people we serve dream of a life of barriers. When we listen to others’ stories, we give them room to take action and to change. We cannot turn away from those with barriers. We need to listen and to imbue in them hope and the belief in the power of possible.

Inspiring Hope

Inspiring Hope

The stories of those who have moved past homelessness, incarceration, trauma, unemployment, and addiction are an inspiration for those who are struggling. For so many who have claimed—or reclaimed—their right as a self-sufficient, contributing individual, it is the story of someone whose path was much like their own that gives them the courage to try.

Last week, at the Fedcap Career Design School graduation, we were honored to hear the stories of three individuals whose lives took an unexpected turn. These three represented the 300+ other graduates who had the courage to start again, to take risks, and to believe in themselves.

James had had a successful career in security. He expected to move up the ladder. When his employer went out of business he thought it would be easy to step into another, comparable job. But that didn’t happen. Instead, after months of job searching, he found himself on public assistance. He was deeply discouraged.  But then… he took action. He applied to the Fedcap Career Design School. There he found a supportive staff and concrete skills that helped him navigate the pathway to a job that leveraged his training and his experience.   James is thrilled, is telling his story out loud and inspiring hope.

Yashira Cruz earned a Bachelor’s Degree in forensic psychology from John Jay College –and believed that she was on the road to a great career and a well-planned life. But she could not find a job, her family life was torn apart, and she found herself struggling with deep depression. She took a chance and enrolled in Fedcap’s Home Health Aide Training Program, to support herself while she pulled her life together and worked towards her dream. Today Yashira is completing a Master’s Degree in clinical social work, while gaining valuable experience working for Fedcap.  She took risks and fought for her life and when she told her story, people who listened were inspired to fight for theirs.

Minurka Marte is deaf and struggled to find her way in a hearing world.  With no education she immigrated to America, found Fedcap, learned American Sign Language and graduated from our Total Facilities Management Training Program. She now has a job, a home and can support her children.  Although she is deaf and cannot speak Minurka told her story out loud, she shared the courage it took to change her life, and she caused those who listened to fundamentally believe that they too can change theirs.

Many of us have stories of overcoming, of fighting back, of persevering in times of tragedy.  By speaking up and telling our stories we change the lives of those around us.  As we learn every day at Fedcap, the  Power of Possible is a life altering force.

Commencement: Celebration and New Beginnings

Commencement: Celebration and New Beginnings


The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.   —  Lao Tze

This Wednesday marks my favorite day on the Fedcap calendar—Graduation Day. I like to think of it as Commencement—the start of a new beginning. This day—June 14—is the day when over one hundred and fifty men and women will cross the stage at John Jay College and receive a diploma for an extraordinary accomplishment—many against unimaginable odds. And this is the day that many will embark on a new life, filled with the power of possible.

Our graduates come from all walks of life. They represent a full roster of the people we exist to serve—those with barriers to employment—individuals with physical or mental disabilities, youth aging out of foster care, veterans, the previously incarcerated, recovering addicts, and older workers who have been nudged out of the workplace.  Each graduate harbors a story of triumph in personal courage and determination.  Each story is an example of resilience and hardiness and strength. And each moment among cheering parents, relatives, children, grandchildren, and friends inspires me, our staff, and our board of directors to keep on doing the work we are doing to make possible what for many was once only a dream.

Graduation opens the door to job placement, many in our own businesses. We see folks settled into custodial jobs, culinary arts, data entry, and security. Many of the graduates are already employed, and many will be, based on the skills and strengths they have built through our programs.

Our Commencement ceremony reminds me of the power of one person to make a difference. One graduate, through perseverance, gumption, will, and passion can alter the course of her or his family history. Where there may have been hopelessness about a bright future, there is now resolve. Where some focused only on the outcome, they now understand the journey is where the action is. These are lessons learned only through taking a goal one day at a time, one step at a time, showing up day after day until this day—graduation day is upon us. And now, commencement begins—commencement to the next step, the next journey—it is thrilling to imagine what that could and will be.

And the day reminds me of not only the power of the graduates to make a difference in their own lives, but also the power of their families, friends, and “chosen” families to do this for others. Without the support and the backing of those closest to us—those who believe in us—where would we be? Many of us would not be where we are today.

And finally, I am reminded of the difference, every day, that our staff makes in the lives of the graduates and their colleagues. Each of the staff, including many who have crossed the stage before this graduating class of 2017, has the power and ability to mentor, inspire, and lead others to places they had not dreamed were possible.

We each have an opportunity every day to help others move from impossible to possible. I go to bed each night wondering: What did I do today to help someone discover their “possible”? What will you do?

Is Planning Passé?

Is Planning Passé?

“Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential.”  –Winston Churchill

Companies have been creating strategic plans forever. We are all familiar with the process: gather senior leaders in a room for several days or months (maybe with a consultant to facilitate), do a SWOT analysis, project numbers and aspirations, do some strong wordsmithing, dust it up, hand it out, disseminate it to the stakeholders, and check the box: The Plan is done and the future is in our grasp. We’re in control. Now let’s get back to the business of running the company.

In the last decade or so, there has been a backlash on strategic planning. With the knowledge that fewer than 10% of strategic plans are executed successfully, many organizations have abandoned the planning process in favor of “responding-to-opportunities.”  For those of us in the non-profit world, that can mean anything from revising direction in favor of meeting criteria for a grant to reacting to a shift in the marketplace to a chance (or intentional) meeting with a potential partner. All of these opportunities can be fruitful, but chances are good they didn’t show up in the strategic plan created a couple of years ago—or even months ago…

On the other hand, if we leaders—in any arena—rely solely on responding-to-opportunities as a strategy, we find ourselves wandering all over the landscape without a compass to guide us. Without some sort of framework, we are relegated to putting out fires and simply reacting to what comes up.

Strategic planning at its worst appeals to a leader’s need for control. It reflects an aversion to risk. It diminishes creativity and innovation. And it rules out the possibility of quantum leaps. Strict planning causes organizational arthritis. Without flexibility, the slightest turbulence turns into a crisis.

Henry Mintzberg, in his seminal work, The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning, differentiates the concepts of strategic planning and strategic thinking. Strategy, he says, isn’t a plan but it is a “pattern that blends intended response with response that emerges out of the changing environment.” Planning is essential, as Winston Churchill told us. Mintzberg would tell us that “planning is essential … to ensure that the future is taken into account including preparing for the inevitable, preempting the undesirable, and controlling the controllable.”

I believe planning is essential. And I agree with Mintzberg in that planning is not a thing, but a way of thinking—it is the “brain” of an organization. It fueled by superior critical thinking skills, powerful judgment,  ongoing environmental analysis,  and brave, timely decision making.

Those of us in the nonprofit business are here to create change. We are here to offer precise solutions to complex societal problems. Rather than creating a plan that rusts on the shelf, let’s create a workforce that embodies the attributes of strategic thinking—nimble, strong, brave, and willing to take smart calculated risk for the sake of success.  And yes, let’s make sure we have some sort of road map to help guide us to the future with the ongoing opportunity to pursue new highways along the way.

What do you think?

Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Fought; Honoring Those Who Keep Fighting

Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Fought; Honoring Those Who Keep Fighting

For many, Memorial Day heralds the beginning of summer with a long weekend, plants tucked safely in the garden, cook-outs, and gatherings with friends and families. And yet, for hundreds of thousands of families and friends, Memorial Day is a day to commemorate and honor their loved ones whose lives have been lost in service and whose courage and heroism has become a fundamental cornerstone of their family’s legacy. Yesterday, like many Americans, I remembered and honored those who have fallen, and yet I am well aware that it is not just one day a year that we acknowledge our fallen servicemen and women. Every day is Memorial Day.

I am compelled to think of those veterans who have returned from active duty who are still struggling with complex issues that interfere with their successful re-entry into the community. On any given night, 39,471 veterans are homeless. 1.4 million veterans are considered at risk of homelessness due to poverty, lack of support networks, overcrowded living arrangements, or lack of subsidized housing.

In addition, a large number of returning veterans—estimated at 20%–suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Among those, many also are affected by substance used disorder. These issues are compounded by a lack of family and social support networks and possibly most critical, lack of jobs.

Those who work with veterans agree that one of the most significant remedies to the struggles of veterans is obtaining and sustaining employment. Many assume that because veterans are well-trained in the field, they can readily translate their skills into civilian life. But that isn’t always the case. This is the reason why veterans need training, education, support, and a chance. Most employers agree that veterans make excellent employees.

Here at Fedcap, we are committed to supporting veterans through skills training, job readiness, outreach, and partnerships with local businesses. For example, through our partnership with Easterseals NY, we operate a Red Mango store on Long Island, specifically set aside as a training ground for veterans in a variety of retail management and day-to-day foodservice operations. In addition, we have created internship programs and a variety of services and training in culinary arts.

Early in May, Fedcap has joined forces with the Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services to ensure that veterans and their families have the supports and services they need within the communities where they live. Together, we are working to break down barriers and drive a new conversation about the most effective way to honor the service of our veterans who have needs that are not being met effectively. The Dixon Center is sought out nationally by a number of veterans’ councils to help guide their efforts to support returning veterans. This is a very exciting and dynamic partnership.

Every one of us can do something to support our veterans who have so bravely served us at home. To begin with, we can find out more about what is happening in our areas to help veterans. In addition, you can donate to community organizations who are working to support job training and career building for veterans.

If you are interested in supporting Fedcap’s work with veterans, feel free to donate by going to this link:

On this week of Memorial Day, I challenge you to take action just as our veterans took action to support you.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.

Words Matter

Words Matter

“Words matter. They’re contagious. And hopeful words infect people.”   –Angela Maiers

Every day I hear stories of moments when one life has been transformed by another simply by the power of words.

In my own life, I have had the good fortune to have mentors who have believed in me and who have expressed their belief. That expression propelled me to strive harder and to reach beyond what I imagined was possible. We cannot underestimate the power of language to inspire and to instill hope and confidence. And we cannot underestimate the power of language to harm and diminish. Language matters and language makes a difference.

On May 10th, we celebrated the work and life of William (Bill) Grinker at our annual Wildcat Spring Cocktail party. Bill’s career spans decades, and his work has transformed the way we approach some of society’s biggest challenges: homelessness, unemployment, and equity. Bill cited the line in John F. Kennedy’s famous inaugural speech: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” as the catalyst for the commencement of his life’s work. Bill is among many who were moved to action. A single sentence inspired a generation to service.

Our mission at Fedcap is to create systems, influence policies, develop programming, and innovate solutions that will eliminate barriers to economic well-being. Our days are filled with the execution of our strategy to that end.  For so many, we are that catalyst that propels them toward previously unimagined possibilities. To the individuals that seek help from us, our words—and our listening—are what matter most.

As leaders, team members, and practitioners, our words have the power to create the future we envision. By being deliberate, intentional, and precise in our words, we are able to catapult action. One key to improving the way we use language is first to allow space for conversation and to be aware of what is behind our habitual ways of communicating. For example, Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey in their book How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work reflect that a common communication default is to make complaints. They suggest that complaints can be reframed as expressions of commitment to a particular value. Think about something you habitually complain about. What does that complaint signify about what you value? What if you were to speak directly about the value rather than the complaint? The use of more direct language opens a pathway to action rather than keeping one stuck in the complaint.

As colleagues, as leaders, as stakeholders, and as practitioners, we can help reframe the stories and the language of those we serve by seeing through the complaint or the habitual story to a new lens that reflects their hopes and aspirations. “Nothing will ever change,” becomes, “I want to make a change.” That reframed language has momentum and possibility.

Many of us are not aware of the influence we have on others—on our colleagues, our stakeholders, and those whom we serve. But in fact, we can make a difference by listening and by being careful with our talk.  By seeing through negative talk of others, we can reframe their thinking into language that sparks possibility. This is how we transform lives. Yes, our actions speak volumes—and at the same time our words can ignite the power of possible.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.

The Case for Financial Transparency in Non-Profits

The Case for Financial Transparency in Non-Profits

“The greatest threat to the not-for-profit sector is the betrayal of public trust, the disappointment of public confidence.”

–Professor Joel Fleishman, Duke University

This week, Fedcap released its first half-year financials for 2017. This process takes place via webinar, and this year attracted more than 150 participants from business, academia, government, and non-profit sectors. Every six months, we present our financials along with an overview of our programmatic and service growth and sustainability. I am happy to report that for the first half of this year, we show very strong growth and stability in our organization. Please feel free to review our release at

Many people might see the gathering and analysis of data as a bi-annual chore. Frankly, I see it as a privilege. It is an opportunity to reflect on our mission and our values and to see how we are progressing in relation to our strategy and our planning. It also gives us an opportunity to see and measure the success of our growth.

As the head of a large non-profit, I have a huge responsibility to our funders, our partners, and our individual and corporate donors. The resources they entrust to us are precious and are given to us in good faith that we will be meticulous in our use of them. Too many non-profits have foundered due to inefficient tracking and reporting of their funds. Bob Carlson, in an article in a 2011 Chronicle of Philanthropy article cites lack of fiscal transparency as the number one complaint that is made to states’ attorneys general. In addition, in the absence of information, there is room for misunderstandings and misperceptions which can lead to reputational risk. Non-profits have failed not only because of lack of financial stewardship but even by failing to meet their stakeholders’ expectations for transparency. I believe it is essential to incorporate the best business practices into our non-profit reporting.

While emphasis on our mission is key to engaging the hearts and minds of our partners, demonstrating our financial reporting creates a common and exact language out stakeholders understand. The numbers tell the story of our work, our mission, our successes, and our areas for improvement.

On May 16, we received several excellent questions from our stakeholders who attended our financial release. I so appreciate their engagement; their questions and interest continue to propel us to fulfill our mission of creating opportunities for the power of possible through relevant, sustainable impact.

I welcome your thoughts about financial transparency in non-profits. What are your experiences?

Exploring Stigma and Its Impact

Exploring Stigma and Its Impact

“A civilization should be judged by how it treats its mentally ill: discrimination is about the conditions in which our patients live, mental health budgets, and the priority to which we allow these services to achieve.”

–Peter Byrne, former Director of Public Education, Royal College, UK

May is Mental Illness Awareness month. While I am not always in favor of these arbitrary month by month focus on issues as it seems superficial,  I WILL leverage it to talk about the real impact of mental illness.

First, were you aware that four hundred and fifty million people worldwide have a mental illness? (The population of the United States is 321.4 million.)  Sixty percent of people living in developed countries with mental illness do not receive treatment and for those living in underdeveloped countries, 90% do not receive care.

Also, were you aware that undiagnosed and untreated mental illness represents the biggest economic burden to our country and to the world? The World Health Organization estimates that by 2030, costs to society due to undiagnosed and untreated mental illness will be six trillion dollars. The majority of that cost is due to disability and to loss of work.

Clearly the issue is significant.   Researchers, psychologists, sociologists, and many health care professionals agree that the major barrier to getting the treatment that is needed is stigma. Stigma has been defined as, “a sign of disgrace or discredit, which sets a person apart from others.” The experience of stigma manifests itself mainly as shame. Shame leads people to eschew seeking help, which leads people to try to conceal their illness.

It is not a new concept to compare the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness unfavorably with other physical diseases. When one has been stricken with a chronic disease like asthma or arthritis or cancer, friends, family, and the medical community are quick to lend support and to respond with care.  But there is no such outpouring of support for those with mental illness.   There is confusion about what to do.  There is shame within families.  There is fear among friends and moreover, the community.

We held a very powerful Solution Series in New Hampshire recently where one of the panelists talked about the employer being one of the most important players in helping individuals to identify and treat their mental illness—in a safe and supportive atmosphere.  Both employer and employee benefit.  Helping individuals with mental illness obtain and maintain employment is key to advancing their economic well-being and their equity. Employment results in the establishment of connection to others through working relationships. It means individuals are covered by health benefits, which offer some coverage for the treatment of mental illness.

I concur with Patrick Kennedy that the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness must become a top national public health priority.  Through the Kennedy Forum, Patrick has laid out an extensive platform for ways to address issues around improving access to mental health services, including prevention and early treatment. ( The actions Kennedy outlines would lead to better care for those suffering  with the pain of mental illness and could help advance a new understanding of  mental illness—and reduce stigma.   What would it look like to live in a world where we move toward one another in an effort to help rather than shy away in fear?

Psychologist Peter Byrne had it right when he said:

People must also be courageous enough to help fight a battle that is not entirely theirs; to fight an established institution in order to create positive change. It is the basic quality of a human– to help each other– that people must find and use in order to make the world a better and safer place.

 As always, I welcome your thoughts.

Making the Case for Investing in Innovation In Social Services

Making the Case for Investing in Innovation In Social Services

When we think of innovation, we think of modern-day visionaries like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, historic figures like Marie Curie or Thomas Edison. We think of companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. We don’t usually think of the non-profit service sector as the bastion of innovation. Yet, it is here where I believe the most profound innovation can take place.

Many people think of innovation as the creation or invention of something entirely new. I believe innovation is much more complex and interesting. I am fairly certain that the cure for polio, the invention of the light bulb or the iphone didn’t come to their inventors in a flash. They came as a result of try after try after try and often months, or years, of experimentation and revision.  Yes, sometimes there are ah-ha moments, but most of the time, innovation comes about in an effort to solve a problem or meet a need and happens incrementally.

In the nonprofit arena, innovation exists on both a small- and a large-scale measure. Creating a resource rapid response team to help individuals find a critical service when they need it is an innovation. Crafting a job opportunity board based on an individual’s personal interests, skills, and experience is an innovation.  Implementing an effort like our PrepNow! to help foster parents create a college-going environment in their homes is an innovation. Building an at-home coaching partnership for families caring for a loved-one with dementia is innovation. These are just a few that we have pioneered here at Fedcap. These innovations are precise and they are folded into the existing social systems. They make a difference.

What if we as a whole society were to invest our time, money, energy and talent into creating innovative solutions that social services nonprofits exist to solve? What if we were to invest in our nonprofits the way we do in for-profit companies—only the “profit” to shareholders is measured in lives improved?   What is the precise intervention needed that will inspire the hearts and minds (and pocketbooks) of society at large to rally around a solution to poverty? What would happen if there were a paradigm shift that made the impulse to cure poverty as intense as the impulse to buy the latest piece of electronic equipment?

It would be quite a revolution if we were to invest in innovation in the social services the way we invest in stocks and bonds. But then, isn’t innovation really a revolution?

I welcome your thoughts.