Seacoast Pathways Members Organize Auction, Raising Funds for Clubhouse
Seacoast Pathways is a place for adults living with mental illness to come together for purposeful work and meaningful relationships in the NH Seacoast area.
Seacoast Pathways is a place for adults living with mental illness to come together for purposeful work and meaningful relationships in the NH Seacoast area.
Kicks Off with High Demand Training for Placement into Well-Paying, Sustainable Jobs in the Solar Energy Industry; Will be Expanded to Wind Power & Other
Fedcap Employment’s 28-person customer contact center located Middlesbrough, England won the Team of the Year – Hidden Heroes category at the Employability Related Services Association’s Awards.
Single Stop was awarded $150,000 by Intuit Financial Freedom Foundation to expand its virtual tax services to rural communities.
Over 100 individuals have gained sustainable employment through Fedcap Inc.’s IMPACT program.
Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, Commissioner of the NYC Department of the Aging, advocates for the employment of older workers.
The Fedcap Group’s annual Golf Tournament raised funds and awareness of The Power of Possible.
Fedcap Inc.’s Veterans Forward Received $500,000 from the Federal Government to Kickstart the Program to Help Homeless Veterans.
July 26, 2022 (New York, NY) Fedcap Inc. was awarded a $4MM Pathway Home program grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to provide training
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has been added to Single Stop’s comprehensive benefit eligibility screener.
All of this year’s graduates are either starting jobs or going to college.
Each individual Fedcap Inc. works with actively engages in services to meet their ongoing reentry needs, with the goal of successful integration into the community and reduction in recidivism.
The inspiring and energized event, held at the Boston Hyatt Regency and attended by over 200 people, honored CWS’ history, heritage and legacy, as well as some of Boston’s most valiant champions whose contributions are what keep Boston strong!
NerdWallet.com interviewed ReServe Executive Director Edward Bolognini about what older workers bring to businesses, and how they can help solve the labor shortage.
The people who drive Families Forward live and work in the state of Maine including the Executive Director Serena Powell and every member of her leadership team.
ERSA, the national membership body for the employment support sector that advocates for high-quality services for the UK’s jobseekers and low earners, presented Brian with the award in a virtual ceremony in July, 2020—and in person on April 5th of this year at ERSA’s annual conference.
Fedcap Rehabilitation workers at the GSA New Jersey Consolidated contract have shown unwavering commitment throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. On Tuesday, March 29, Fedcap Rehabilitation President
Artist Kristy MarCarthy shows a mural draft to attendees at the community event. Charlene Niles, Chelton Loft Assistant Director; Kristy McCarthy, artist; Suzanne Stoute, Chelton
MVLE Honored For 50 Years of Helping People With Disabilities Thrive in Their Communities On March 9th, Virginia State Senator George Barker (D), Southern Fairfax
The Fedcap Group has been recognized as a pioneer in social enterprise since its founding 87 years ago. That proud tradition lives on today in the work of Fedcap Rehabilitation’s Digital Imaging and Document Management team.
The Single Stop client screener now features screening for Federal Pell Grant eligibility and funding.